Invision Community (Full)

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IPS Community Suite 4.7.9​

Released 04/04/2023

Key Changes​

This is our April maintenance release.
Key changes include:
  • Gallery, Events & Clubs: Improvements From Your Feedback
  • Live Topics
  • iPhone notifications, web app and more
  • PayPal & Maxmind API updates in Commerce

Additional Information​

  • Added support for Emoji 14.
  • Added a minimum of one day end date to Alerts.
  • Improved the database checker to change member id columns to BIGINT if they are nearing a limit.
  • Improved performance in some situations when posting content.
  • Improved outbound connection speed when connecting to the same host multiple times.
  • Move web app settings to a new controller in the AdminCP.
  • Fixed an issue where older browsers and iOS versions may not display editor/images.
  • Fixed an issue where moving conversations between folders may move to the wrong folder or fail to move.
  • Fixed an issue where the member_create webhook wouldn't include custom profile field data.
  • Fixed an issue where club settings would be shown on the ACP-Settings-Clubs page even if clubs were disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where "this club" was not set as the default search context when viewing clubs.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a post from a hidden topic could remove the topic from the activity streams.
  • Fixed an issue where the same emoji may show in the shortcode popup more than once where the name is the same.
  • Fixed an issue where pasting files into the editor may display an unsupported file type notification.
  • Fixed an issue where profanity filters were being applied to account email addresses.
  • Hid ACP statistics blocks for Clubs when Clubs are disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where users could edit comments that were hidden by a moderator.
  • Hid member-menu in ModCP Approval Queue when reviewing content posted by guests.
  • Allow users to reply to alerts even if they have messenger restrictions that would prevent them from doing so.
  • Allow iOS/Safari notifications from Safari 16.4 onwards.
  • Accordion titles on the Notifications settings page now wrap to multiple lines if they're too wide for the browser window.
  • Increased number of days PayPal Subscriptions are checked for payments.
  • Updated PayPal integration to v2 API where appropriate.
  • Updated PayPal Payout API to latest version.
  • Updated Maxmind integration to latest API, added support for tracking pixel.
  • Fixed an issue where a customer may be charged before accepting the terms and conditions when requiring T&Cs and using Stripe.
  • Fixed an issue where incoming emails containing '-' or '.' may be discard.
  • Fixed an issue where a fatal error is thrown during email processing if the email character set is not supported by current PHP configuration.
  • Deprecated, Braintree and 2Checkout payment gateways.
  • Removed Hosting Reseller support.
  • Added the media URL to the ACP - Media Details sidebar.
  • Added the ability for records to use the publish date field when synchronising with forum topics.
  • Fixed an issue where the Media Preview Image wouldn't be shown on the ACP - Media Details page.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to create paths that conflicted with system folders.
  • Fixed an issue where comment counts displayed in the record feed when comments were disabled.
  • Added support for mark solved in clubs.
  • Removed an unnecessary span tag from the rows template.
  • Added the moderator checkbox to grid view as it was previously missing.
  • Added status badges (pinned, hidden, etc) to the grid view.
  • Padding has been added to grid cells while viewing files in profiles.
  • Added some customization options to the Overview page.
  • Now, when searching for images via the "Insert other attachment" editor option, searching by album name returns images from that album.
  • Added links to subscribe to and download iCal events on the overview page.
  • Fixed an issue where the "All Calendars" dropdown link would load the overview page instead of monthly view.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Copy Event' link would be shown even if the member had no permission to create new events in the calendar.
  • Fixed an issue where recurring events would time out for some locales and languages.
  • Fixed an issue where venue events may not show on the happening near me map.
  • Like
Réactions: brunoguisti

IPS Community Suite 4.7.8​

Released 03/08/2023

Key Changes​

This is our March maintenance release.
Key changes include:
  • UI Polish
  • Downloads updates, GraphQL enhancements and more

Additional Information​

  • Added pagination to the Edit History screen.
  • Added the core_api_logs database table to the support tools database checker.
  • Added a noindex metatag to the poll voters page.
  • Added the ability to reset 2fa security answers for all members.
  • Added the time to the date form validator message when the time is also used.
  • Changed the recommended MySQL version to 5.7.8, this will be the minimum version in future.
  • Changed the Author and Update Check URL fields when exporting a language to an URL field to enforce valid URLs.
  • Improved the error handling when a club node is missing.
  • Show "Success" message above the form after a user changes their password.
  • Achievement badges and rank icons are no longer squashed in the Recent Achievements widget.
  • Items in the "Our Picks" widget carousel no longer have a cropped border.
  • Upgraded Google Fonts API to v2 with improved performance using font-display:swap;
  • Imported font-weight:500 for Google fonts resulting in improved font rendering.
  • Redesigned the share/promote buttons so they sit on a single line on mobiles.
  • Updated the background-color of some social icons to match their actual brand color.
  • Sticky announcements will now always stick to the top of the window, instead of only being sticky within the header element.
  • Widgets have received a IU polish, with a few alignment bugs solved.
  • The alignment of topic prefix icons (pinned, featured, etc) has been improved.
  • Breadcrumbs no longer truncate long titles. They will now wrap to a new line if necessary.
  • Fixed a bug where members weren't able to opt in/out of custom PII data being shared with 3rd parties.
  • Fixed an issue where banning a member with a banned IP address could accidentally remove the IP ban.
  • Fixed an issue where content with no replies was being treated as solvable.
  • Fixed an issue where the Admin CP Login Logs did not show the proper value in the Display Name column.
  • Fixed an issue where the Admin CP Login Logs advanced search did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where club areas may link to the wrong location.
  • Fixed an issue where content being held for approval would show the wrong word as the reason.
  • Fixed PWA Notifications causing an error if the remote service cannot be reached.
  • Fixed an issue where the club_created Webhook wasn't fired when a club was approved.
  • Fixed a race condition which could cause an error when an invalid timezone on an account is used.
  • Fixed an issue where a group could have the maximum number of lines in a signature as 0, but the signature editor was still available.
  • Fixed an issue where banning a member could generate an unnecessary member changelog entry.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to enable security question mfa without any questions.
  • Fixed an issue where the theme templates list did not display properly in the ACP if an upgrade notice was visible.
  • Fixed an issue where mentions did not use the color specified in the theme settings.
  • Fixed an issue where managing the ACP - Share Handlers could cause an error.
  • Fixed an issue where recounting the reputation points in the ACP could cause an error.
  • Fixed an issue where stopping all email notifications excluded digests.
  • Fixed an issue where the widget cleanup task could fail when the tasks were run via CLI.
  • Fixed an issue where club pages would show members even if only set to show for Club Moderators.
  • Fixed an issue where share links were using http protocol instead of https.
  • Fixed an issue where hCaptcha challenges may not show on contact us dialog when another challenge exists on the page.
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips could become very long. They now wrap text onto multiple lines when necessary.
  • Fixed an issue that may occur when using search and MySQL read/write separation.
  • Fixed an issue where saving widgets could fail.
  • Fixed an issue where polls were not deleted when an application was uninstalled.
  • Fixed an issue where editing content may not preserve the correct file storage location and revert to the base URL.
  • Removed unused photos_url ACP search keyword.
  • Relocated the forum title in the forum grid UI for forums, resulting in better contrast.
  • Simplified the UI of the expanded view while viewing a topic list.
  • Post controls (Edit, Quote, etc.) are now always vertically aligned to the bottom of posts.
  • Fixed Solved Statistics throwing an error on some MySQL / MariaDB versions.
  • Fixed an issue where topic hover previews would display "Guest anonymous" instead of the anonymous placeholder text.
  • Fixed an issue where building search index permissions could fail.
  • Fixed an issue where re-engagement email notifications were sent for non-solvable topics.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the topic publish date to "immediately" did not publish the topic.
  • Fixed an issue where "Users can choose best answer" in Questions forums was not being saved correctly.
  • Added the ability to allow the file submitter to delete pending new versions.
  • Added a new category grid view.
  • Fixed an issue where embedded free files were being displayed as not available for purchase.
  • Fixed an issue in the downloads-file REST API endpoint where purchasing a file could result in an error.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields could not be marked to be included in topics.
  • Fixed a missing language string on the custom fields edit page.
  • Improved performance of image view when categories/albums are ordered by recently updated.
  • Fixed an issue where promoted albums could break the achievements rebuild process.
  • Fixed an issue where albums not in a club could be set to allow submissions from anyone in a club.
  • Fixed an issue where users had the option to sort by reviews when reviews were not enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting by date could duplicate images in the carousel.
  • Fixed a performance issue related to prefetching previous and next images.
  • Fixed an issue where hidden images may appear in profiles.
  • Fixed an issue where gallery video comment search results may show an error when no thumbnail is uploaded.
  • Removed the background on the landing page title to be more consistent with other areas of the suite.
  • Fixed an issue where searching events on the overview page did not properly display a map.
  • Fixed an issue where a user who responded "Maybe" could attempt to RSVP to an event after the RSVP limit was reached.
  • Fixed an issue where searching events on the overview page did not properly display a map.
  • Fixed an issue where the featured event cover photo may not display if the filename contains special characters.
  • Fixed an issue where searching for events with a missing or invalid location wouldn't return any results.
  • Fixed an issue where checking out as a guest would not pass guest email to Stripe.
  • Fixed an issue where the expiration date in custom product emails didn't work.
  • Fixed an issue with Stripe where device (Apple/Google) payments may not work if transaction has a shipping address.
  • Fixed an issue where PayPal Subscription task may throw an error if a customer doesn't have any subscriptions.
  • Added support for past dates in records.
  • Fixed an issue where stats in the record list would overflow on mobiles
  • Fixed an issue where attachments may not be properly cleared upon deletion.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Added more properties to the Polls API output.
  • Added constant \IPS\SITEMAP_MAX_PER_FILE to define the maximum number of entries in a sitemap file.
  • If your application ships with a log database table which can get huge, you can register the table in
  • Fixed an issue during template compilation if a theme hook uses PHP mode and has a call to parent::.\IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support::getLogTables to have it automatically checked in the support tools.
  • A new helper method \IPS\core\Followed\Follow::getClassToFollow was introduced which will return the class to follow for a given app and area.
GraphQL, REST, Webhooks and Zapier
  • Added a new Members GraphQL query which is able to return more than one member based on different criteria.
  • A new GraphQL Query to return a list of clubs was added.
  • A new webhook for the downloads app was added, which is fired when a new file version gets available.
  • Fixed an issue in the core/members/follow REST API endpoint, where trying to follow clubs failed.
  • The REST API Log allows one to use the advanced search without having to select a specific endpoint or response code.
  • /core/members REST API response for photoUrlIsDefault is now true for letter photos.
  • Webhook Payload for nodes which belong to clubs, will contain now also information about the club.
  • Added a new Members GraphQL query which is able to return more than one member based on different criteria.
  • Fixed the statistics GraphQL query.
  • Fixed several issues in the Calendar GraphQL query.

IPS Community Suite 4.7.7​

Released 02/07/2023

Key Changes​

This is our February maintenance release.
Key changes include:

Additional Information​

  • Added the ability to allow non members to post in individual sections of closed clubs.
  • Added pagination to referrals page in the Account Settings.
  • Added Clubs and Club Pages to sitemap.
  • Added missing language strings for the Email Statistics report.
  • Updated CKEditor to 4.20.1.
  • Re-enabled Grammarly in CKEditor.
  • Fix changing Time Periods on streams not clearing previous values completely.
  • Fixed an issue where dropdown menus would be treated as a link if child items in the main navigation.
  • Fixed an issue where times may be in the wrong timezone due to a Chromium bug with Asia/Kolkata & Asia/Kathmandu.
  • Fixed an issue with AdminCP upgrading a self-hosted community if large table changes are required.
  • Fixed an issue where changing Time Periods on streams not clearing previous values completely.
  • Fixed an issue where auto-saved editor contents would not clear when the editor was on a tab.
  • Fixed an issue where custom date filters were not preserved on the search page.
  • Fixed an issue where moderating all links posted did not flag the content for moderation.
  • Fixed an issue where Administrators with permissions to view moderator statistics got a no-permission error.
  • Fixed an issue where club areas may link to the wrong location.
  • Reduced the scenarios where some uploaded files names may get prefixed with random numbers.
  • Visual refresh.
  • Added support for converting videos to mp4 for consistent playback experience (cloud only).
  • Added gallery overview page to better highlight Gallery activity.
  • Added support for searching image contents using AI (cloud only).
  • Added not safe for work filter functionality.
  • Added support for prefetching next and previous images.
  • Added a member profile extension for Gallery images.
  • Set default album sort to match the default sort on a category.
  • Fixed an issue where images may not be sorted correctly.
  • Removed lightbox overlay.
  • Removed a lot of redundant javascript to optimize page loading times.
  • Added a way to disable indexing of pages.
  • Fixed an issue where sorting by the default sort did not use the correct sort direction.
  • Fixed an issue where anonymous records were displayed as Guest in record listings.
  • Fixed an issue where anonymous records created topics with an author name of Guest and a hash..
  • Fixed toggled fields when adding/editing a database field.
  • Automatically set a page as default when it's the only page in a folder
  • Removed the "Add comment" checkbox on the Update Record form in cases where it was not applicable.
  • Fixed an issue where events in the by month block may display the wrong month.
  • Fixed an issue where events may show on the wrong time.
  • Fixed an issue where checkbox sets with large option lists in polls would condense into a scrollable list.
  • Fixed an issue where the first post in a scheduled topic had a different timestamp than the topic.
  • Fixed issue where publish date field was sometimes shown on the Poll tab of the Topic form instead of the Content tab.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the publish date of an already published topic to a future date wouldn't update the containers last post data.
  • Improved member conversion speed upto 50% in some scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue where anonymous comments were not tracked correctly.
  • Fixed VAT number verification failing.
  • Fixed an issue where invoices from guests may not be marked as paid after a successful transaction.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers​

  • Added new GraphQL endpoints for Blog & Events.
  • Added the ability to use OAuth access tokens or API keys with GraphQL requests.
  • Added a new optional parameter to the Events > front > events -> event template.
  • Added constant \IPS\SITEMAP_MAX_PER_FILE to define the maximum number of entries in a sitemap file.
  • Updated HTMLPurifier to 4.15.0.
  • Fixed an issue where hooks with USE statements were wrapped in a try/catch.
  • Fixed an issue creating Polls via the REST API that are not multichoice.
  • Fixed an issue where reordering ACP restrictions generated an error.
  • Fixed an issue with the autocomplete form field in third party resources.
  • Method signatures and return type have been changed for \IPS\File\Amazon::chunkFinish() & \IPS\File\FileSystem::chunkFinish().
  • Removed jsTimezoneDetect library, replaced with native browser functionality.
REST, Webhooks and Zapier
  • The member, blogs entries, download files, gallery images, events, pages records and forum topics GET endpoint supports now a new ìds parameter to return items by multiple ids. This change also applies to any third party application that extends \IPS\Content\Api\ItemController and uses $this->_list().