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All previous versions of the plugin are classified as Obsolete. Please upgrade to version 1.0312.2024.0 ! So, the latest version brings fixes not indicated in the changelogs and some API changes were made in this version.
The next version will be available after Christmas, which will bring 1 fixes, 5 updates and 2 new additions. The changelog will be published when it is released on Market or Codester.
The changelog may change, so it is not official. This changelog is for the moment for the development version which is not available.
[ Add ] Added a system to search and check for updates.
[ Add ] Added an API connection to check the current version of a new update.
[ Update ] Updated the `GZIP Compression` and `XML-RPC` system which can now be enabled if the `.htaccess` has a `r--r--r--` permission including `0444`.
[ Update ] Updated languages.
[ Update ] Updated CSS.
[ Update ] Updated the plugin's custom notification style.
[ Fix ] Fixed an issue with enabling `GZIP Compression` and `XML-RPC`.
[ Fix ] Minor bug fixed for WordPress environment detection.