Gravity Forms - WPDB / MySQL Connect

Gravity Forms - WPDB / MySQL Connect v3.7.0

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Download Gravity Forms - WPDB / MySQL Connect Nulled Free CodeCanyon 5968479
Connect your Gravity Forms directly to your WPDB-Database-Tables. This is a plugin for professionals and developers.


  • New in 3.6! Full GFAPI support
  • New in 3.5! Added Conditional Logic to process the feed
  • New in 3.3! Support for Gravity Forms Chained Select Field
  • New in 3.0! Uses the Gravity-Forms Feed-AddOn-Framework
  • New in 3.0! Save your Gravity-Forms Entry from one Form to one or more WPDB Tables
  • Simple WPDB Table and Field Setup at the default Gravity-Forms Feed-Settings
  • Full Gravity-Forms integration
  • Use of the Gravity-Forms API
  • Add a Primary-Key, so every change or delete from the Gravity-Forms backend will reflect at your WPDB Table
  • Supports most of the Standard-, Advanced-, Post- and Pricing-Fields
  • Fill your select, multiselect, radio and checkbox fields with WPDB-Queries directly from your database
  • Fill your product, option and shipping fields with WPDB-Queries directly from your database, including the price
  • Validate your field-values for single-text-line and paragraph-text fields with WPDB-Queries against your database
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332 Affichages
v3.7.0 Version
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