GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro

Nulled WordPress Plugin GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro v1.8.65

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  • Added “Reset”, “Export” and “Import” buttons for the chat bot.
  • Adjusted padding for the “Footer text” in the chat bot.
  • Now you can add hyperlink in the chat bot footer text.
  • New validation added for tag generation in the WooCommerce Product Writer.
  • Fixed an issue in the WooCommerce Product Writer where the “%” symbol inside the custom prompts was interrupting content generation.
  • Added a validation for the token value in the Content Writer log.

You can now upload images directly into the chatbot, powered by GPT-Vision.

Read the tutorial here.


  • Voice chat input fields are now automatically disabled when streaming mode is enabled.
  • Fixed a small CSS issue under the Settings page.
  • Fixed an issue in Role Manager.
= 1.8.29 =
- Added Qdrant as an alternative vector database provider alongside Pinecone.
- Revised the Call to Action built-in prompt in Content Writer.
- Fixed a formatting issue affecting numerical data in AI Forms logs.
  • Integrated OpenAI’s latest embedding models: text-embedding-3-small and text-embedding-3-large.
I strongly recommend to transition from the older text-embedding-ada-002 to these updated models for enhanced efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Important Note: Should you opt to switch your embedding model, remember to reindex all your content. This step is crucial to ensure your bot functions correctly after the model change.

Navigate to the Embeddings – Settings tab to update your model.

For more information on this update, refer to OpenAI’s announcement

Read tutorial here

  • Improved the accuracy of cost estimation for Embeddings using the new models and added details of Vector DB in the log tab.
  • Added a “Delete all tasks” button in AutoGPT – Queue. This allows for easy removal of all pending and completed tasks in one go.
  • Fixed an issue where the deactivation of fullscreen, download, and clear features was not effective in chat bot.
  • Security improvements.
  • Added an option to clear chat history. You can enable it under chat bot’s style tab.
  • Added markdown support for non-streaming mode.
After updating to this version, please ensure to clear your entire browser cache to experience the new features without any issues.
For users utilizing cloud caching services like Cloudflare, it is crucial to clear the cache from these services as well.
  • Fixed a streaming-related issue.
  • Improved the Embeddings – Troubleshoot tool.


Major Updates:​

  1. Streaming Mode for Chat Bots:
  • Added a new feature, Streaming Mode, for enhanced chat bot interactions.
  • This mode can be activated in the bot settings under the Parameters tab.
  • Note: Streaming mode currently does not support voice chat functionalities.
  1. Transition to Local Storage:
  • Our plugin has shifted from using cookies to local storage for storing user chat history.
  • This change overcomes the limitations previously experienced with cookie storage.
  1. Removal of Legacy OpenAI Models:
  • Discontinued support for legacy OpenAI models: text-davinci-003, text-curie-001, text-babbage-001 and text-ada-001.
Additional Fixes and Improvements:
  • Added the new ‘us-west-2’ region for the Pinecone environment.
  • Implemented buffering support for Nginx in AI forms.
  • Enhanced compatibility with PHP 8 and later versions, ensuring smoother operation.
  • Fixed an issue in Custom Mode.
Important Note:
After updating to this version, please ensure to clear your entire browser cache to experience the new features without any issues.
For users utilizing cloud caching services like Cloudflare, it is crucial to clear the cache from these services as well.
This step is essential to ensure that the latest updates are effectively applied and functioning correctly.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with PHP versions above 8.
  • Upgraded the Freemius SDK.
  • You can now generate content with Google’s Gemini Pro in Content Writer – Custom Mode. Give it a try! You can read more about here.
  • Fixed an issue in Settings – AI engine tab.
Added Google’s Gemini Pro to the Playground. Give it a try.
This marks the beginning of integrating Google’s AI technology into the plugin.
The integration starts with the Playground, allowing you to explore and utilize these new models.
You can read more about here.


Added the following AI models to the Playground:
  • Mixtral (8x7B) Instruct
  • Mistral (7B) Instruct
  • LLaMA-2 Chat (70B)
  • LLaMA-2 Chat (13B)
  • LLaMA-2 Chat (7B)
  • Yi Chat (34B)
  • Alpaca (7B)
You can read more about here.