GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent PRO

Nulled WordPress Plugin GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent PRO v1.1.1 NULLED

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GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent PRO NULLED Make Your Website GDPR Compliant​

Make your website compatible with general GDPR regulations and industry best practices!

What data is covered by GDPR
Name, User ID, Email, address and contact details, Web analytics, IP Address, Cookies, and special categories of data (‘sensitive’, genetic, health, gender, biometric, etc.)

Who should care about GDPR
The GDPR has an extraterritorial effect and is applied to all companies that process personal data of residents and EU citizens regardless of the location of such a company.

What are the costs of not caring?
A fine up to €20 million or up to 4% of the annual worldwide turnover of the preceding financial year in case of an enterprise, whichever is greater.

Right to be forgotten
Request to delete all stored data (confirmed by email link);

Data Access
Dedicated form to request personal data stored on a website

GDPR Consent checkboxes
Add consent boxes for various forms on your website like WordPress Comments and customized contact forms

Customizable Options
Privacy Policy, Terms of Services, Cookie Consent and Email marketing opt-in forms

Perfect Integration
And perfect integration with most popular WordPress plugins

Cookie Blocker
Block all cookies including analytics and advertising networks until formal consent to collect and use your data.
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v1.1.1 NULLED Version
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