FS Table Pro element for YOOtheme Pro

Joomla Plugin FS Table Pro element for YOOtheme Pro v1.4.7

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FS Table Pro for Joomla​

Enhance your data presentation with the Table Pro Element for YOOtheme Pro. This powerful element supports various advanced features, including Sublayouts, Modal Builder, and up to 24 Columns with Advanced Styling and Visibility options. With DataTables integration, you can enable Table Search, Column Sorting, Filtering, and Pagination for seamless data management.

Take full control of your table's appearance and content with the flexibility of additional Title, Meta, and Content fields. Elevate your data display with the Table Pro Element for YOOtheme Pro.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
164 Affichages
v1.4.7 Version
1 Téléchargements
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