Frontend Reports for WooCommerce

Nulled WordPress Plugin Frontend Reports for WooCommerce v1.0.13 NULLED

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As opposed to generating a report manually and emailing the report, the Frontend Reports for WooCommerce NULLED add-on plugin lets users present a report on the frontend of a website. This is an incredible tool for WooCommerce store managers and webmasters who would like to display sales-related data without any hassle or manual effort. For example, when used in conjunction with a content restriction plugin, Frontend Reports for WooCommerce can be used to display sales reports to select logged in site visitors without granting access to the WordPress/WooCommerce admin area.

In addition to providing an embedded interactivate tabular display of the data with sorting and searching capabilities, the add-on can also be used to provide a download link so that frontend users can download a copy of the report in the format specified in the reporting plugin’s settings.

Frontend Reports for WooCommerce is not a standalone plugin, but an add-on extension that works in conjunction with compatible WooCommerce reporting plugins: Product Sales Report, Product Sales Report Pro, Export Order Items and Export Order Items Pro.

Frontend Reports for WooCommerce Add-On Plugin Features:

  • Display dynamically updated reports in posts and pages using shortcodes, allowing users to view the reports without having admin access.
  • Displayed reports are paginated, sortable, and searchable.
  • Generate links to dynamically updated downloadable reports.
  • Display reports using widgets.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
162 Affichages
v1.0.13 NULLED Version
1 Téléchargements
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