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Fowtickets NULLED Advanced laravel helpdesk and tickets system dedicated to people and website owners that provide specific services and want to add a ticketing system to their website to provide assistance to customers. This system contains many features that will help to provide a good support to your customers.
- Responsive user interface
- Helpdesk articles & Categories
- Multiple languages system
- Email Verifications
- Email notifications & User notifications
- 2Fa authentication
- New Admin interface
- All website statistics
- Manage Ticket & user’s
- Menu builder every language
- Creating articles & categories every language
- Full website settings
- Build pages for every language
- Manage admins
- Languages adding and translate
- SEO Configurations for every language
- PHP 7.3x
- Operating System : Linux or Windows
- Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server
- MySql: 5.1+