FoodScanner – Food Products Scanner Android App

Untouched Android/IOS-APP FoodScanner – Food Products Scanner Android App v1.0

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Simple barcode grocery scanner that lets you quickly discover a food's ingredient information. Very useful essential if you care about the food you eat. It's ideal for those with a particular sensitivity or allergy.

The Food Scanner app let you scan & get detailed nutritional information in seconds. Safe grocery shopping.

You can create lists of products that you can use as reminders or shopping lists!

The Food Scanner app lightweight, Launch fast, Navigate easy.

FoodScanner is built on top of Andoird Studio.


  • Clean code using MVVM Architecture Component
  • Supports Android Paging Library for infinite scrolling
  • Amazing UI
  • Handling empty states and connection errors
  • Admob ads ( Banner – Interstitial – Native )
  • Convert all energy units in one click
  • Browse products from all around the world
  • Eat healthier
  • Instant food scanner
  • Scan an unlimited number of products
  • Share the details of the food products you scan
  • Check the history of previously scanned food


- Android studio
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
37 Affichages
v1.0 Version
0 Téléchargements
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