FireBox Pro

Nulled WordPress Plugin FireBox Pro v2.1.15 NULLED

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= 2.1.15 - 20/06/2024 =
* Added: Pro version now supports sending unlimited email notifications in the Form block.
* Added: Improved accessibility, you can now trap focus within the popup.
* Added: Improved accessibility, focus is now returned to the last focusable element after closing a popup.
* Added: Improved accessibility, you can now close a popup by pressing the ESC key.
* Added: Missing Read Campaigns List (read_fireboxes) capability to administrators.
* Improved: The Code Editor areas now display prefix/suffix code, indicating that you don't need to type opening/closing tags for custom codes.
* Improved: Unified the design of notices across all FireBox admin pages for a consistent user experience.
* Improved: New lines are not preserved in the Email action.
* Fixed: The default submission state value in the Form block was not updating correctly.
= 2.1.13 - 23/05/2024 =
* Added: Font Weight option for Form Field Labels.
* Added: Padding option for Checkbox/Radio Choice Images on Image Mode.
* Improvement: Increased gap between Checkbox/Radio choices and field label.
* Improvement: Increases width of "COPIED" label on Buttons with Action set to "Copy to Clipboard".
* Changed: Page Slide mode no longer auto scrolls to the top of the page.
* Changed: The main label of the Radio/Checkbox form field shouldn't be clickable.
= 2.1.12 - 02/05/2024 =
* Fix: Quotes in campaign name prevents the campaign from appearing properly.
* Fix: Open/Close animation may not appear properly.
= 2.1.9 - 05/04/2024 =
* Implements the Radio button field for the FireBox Form block.
* Implements the Checkboxes field for the FireBox Form block.
* Added helpful links when editing a campaign on the right-hand sidebar under the "FireBox Campaign" tab.
* The Dropdown field in Form block wouldn't respect the placeholder text.
* PHP Scripts > Form Success event executes once the first FireBox - Form block present in the campaign is successfully submitted.
* Improvements on the admin notice message.
* Improvement: When duplicating form blocks, the Field Name will always have a unique value.
* Improvement: Remove capabilities from all users when FireBox is deleted and all data should be removed.
* Improvement: On form submit, automatically scroll to the success/error message.
* Improvement: Submissions page form list now returns the forms in alphabetical order.
= 2.1.7 - 15/02/2024 =
* Adds PHP Scripts, allowing you to execute PHP code in various events.
* Adds {fpf cookie.KEY} Smart Tag.
* Adds {fpf post.KEY} Smart Tag that returns a $_POST value based on a key.
* Adds {fpf}, {fpf}, {fpf geo.countrycode}, {fpf geo.region}, and {fpf geo.location} Smart Tags that return the user location details.
* Fix: Searchable dropdowns wouldn't return correct results when searching.
* Fix: Button wouldn't trigger the campaign when the old FireBox Settings were used, in some cases.
* Fix: Typos in translations.
* Fix: On Click > Open/Close Campaigns list may not display valid popups.
* Fix: Opening Sound wouldn't play in editor.
* Improvement: Increases how many Brevo lists appear in the List field.
* Improvement: Renames On Click > Open Another Campaign to Open Campaign.
* Improvement: In Analytics > Performance chart, make "Views" filter appear after Conversion Rate.
* Improvement: In Analytics charts, remember the selected filters.
* Improvement: Adds a "fb-form-success" CSS Class to the popup instance when a form is submitted.
* Improvement: PHP 8 deprecation warnings.
= 2.1.5 - 27/01/2024 =
* Fix: Display Conditions wouldn't trigger.
= 2.1.4 - 26/01/2024 =
* New: Track conversions when user clicks on the FireBox Buttons & Image blocks, Core Buttons & Image blocks.
* New: Countdown Gutenberg block allowing you to create advanced countdown timers.
* New: Video Gutenberg block allowing you to embed YouTube or Vimeo videos.
* New: Map Gutenberg block allowing you to embed OpenStreetMap maps with unlimited map markers.
* Improvement: You can now set your campaigns analytics data to not expire after a specific timeframe.
* Improvement: Rendering of the campaign content in certain circumstances.
* Improvement: Headings are now styled by default by the active theme.
* Improvement: When a form is submitted but has errors, focus on the first form field.
* Improvement: Don't track analytics data (views, conversions) when previewing a draft campaign.
* Change: Last 7 Days and Last 30 Days now contain the current day.
* Change: Campaigns page table now shows columns Status, Title, Views, Conversions, Conversion Rate, and Average Time Open.
* Change: Campaigns page table now allows sorting on columns Status, Title, Views, Conversions, Conversion Rate, and Average Time Open.
* Change: Change "Reset Impressions" in bulk actions to "Reset Views".
* Fix: Welcome Email wasn't being sent when double opt in wasn't enabled.
* Fix: Day of the week dimension should always appear except when viewing period is for a single day.
* Fix: FireBox Form button may not display the loading spinner when the form is submitted under certain circumstances.
* Fix: Cannot apply block settings to duplicated FireBox blocks.
= 2.1.3 - 11/12/2023 =
* Fix: Email notification message may not respect new lines under certain circumstances.
* Fix: FireBox - Submitted Form Condition may display unrelated forms in settings.