Files Tab on User Profile

Invision Community Plugin Files Tab on User Profile v1.0.2

Aucune permission de téléchargement
Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
This resource will restore the FILES tab on user profile.
  • Downloads app
  • Display TAB if the member has no file submitted
  • Number of files per page
  • Display Files TAB to chosen groups
  • Display Files TAB from chosen groups
  • Honor pinned files
  • Hide Moderator options
Important Notice:
  • If you used the previous version of this resource (which was a plugin), follow the steps before install this application:
    1. Uninstall the plugin
    2. Via FTP, delete the following file from your file system: applications/downloads/extensions/core/Profile/Files.php.
    3. Install this application
Files Tab on User Profile.png
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
229 Affichages
v1.0.2 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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