Joomla Plugin FILEman v5.0.0

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FILEman is the most powerful file, video & image manager extension for Joomla​

Upload and manage files. Create beautiful image galleries with automatic image resizing. Offer public or private file downloads. Easily insert images in articles, or play video and audio files from your site.

How can FILEman help you?​


Drag & drop file uploads with automated thumbnail generation and private files, supporting international filenames, all from within a beautiful frontend


Present your files in a list or a gallery, if they're video files FILEman's got you covered, it has a gorgeous built-in video & audio player too


Need to insert files into your articles? That's easy, FILEman comes with a FILElink editor plugin. It's even easier when you install TEXTman as well, they're best friends!


Attach files, to be displayed below the content, to any Joomla article using FILEman's editor plugin
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
106 Affichages
v5.0.0 Version
0 Téléchargements
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