eSchool SaaS - School Management System with Student | Parents Flutter App | Laravel Admin

Nulled Android/IOS-APP eSchool SaaS - School Management System with Student | Parents Flutter App | Laravel Admin v1.1.1 NULLED

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eSchool SaaS NULLED - School Management System with Student | Parents Flutter App | Laravel Admin​


There are 14 features/modules are in this system. Out of these 10 features/modules will be use for package building.

Default 4 features are following :

  • Student management
  • Academics management
  • Teacher management
  • Session year management

Manage schools :

Super Admin will create the school and school admin. School admin can access the admin panel of school by the admin email and password. A password will be the phone number of admin by default.

Super Admin can delete the schools and deactivate the schools. If School deactivate, studen can’t access the their profile.

Manage packages :

Create package :

Super Admin will enter the package name, description, tagline, per active student charges, per active staff member charges, highlight package and features.

Here package name, per active student charges, per active staff member charges are required to create the package.

By default in features Student management, Academics management, Teacher management and Session year management. Super admin need to select the other features.

Highlight package :

If super admin select highlight package then this package will be shown in advertisement page.

Once package is created it will be in unpublished mode.

View packages :

Admin can view the all packages. Admin can view the how many users are using this package count.

Update package rank :

Admin can update the package rank by dragging the package up or down.

On the other side school will see the packages based on rank.

Edit package :

Admin can published or unpublish any package.

If admin update the per active student price, per active staff price and features then it will be effected for next billing cycle of school.

Update package rank :

Admin can update the package rank by dragging the package up or down.

On the other side school will see the packages based on rank.
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219 Affichages
v1.1.1 NULLED Version
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