Enhanced Media Library PRO

Nulled WordPress Plugin Enhanced Media Library PRO v2.8.13 NULLED

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### 2.8.13 ###
*Release Date - April 26, 2024*

* A security issue related to MIME types upload fixed. Please update to the latest version on all your websites.

= Bugfixes =
* A bug since v2.8.10 with the right sidebar covering media library files when `Infinite scrolling` option is enabled fixed

= Thank you! =
For being EML users for so many years.
* *This update has been issued in Ukraine under everyday missile attacks.*
* *Please do not buy into ruzzian lies and propaganda. This aggression is unprovoked, illegal, and unfair. The people of Ukraine have all the right to live peacefully without ungrounded ruzzian claims and crimes committed.*
* *Support Ukraine. We are badly in need of weapons for defense.*
### 2.8.10 ###
*Release Date - April 11, 2024*

* A security issue related to MIME types upload fixed. Please update to the latest version on all your websites.

= Improvements =
* Plugin admin menu items order and compatibility improved
* `Right sidebar width` and `Ideal column width` options added
* Caption (grid mode) is no longer cropped when it is a filename
* Caption lenght before crop depends on the thumbnail side - added
* PRO only: Enhanced search mechanism in media library improved + `filenames` option added
* Minor improvements to desltop/mobile layout made
* PHP 8 compatibility ensured (no deprecated notices anymore)
* Latest jQuery standards compatibility ensured (no deprecated notices anymore)

= Bugfixes =
* Duplicate listings when editing a single image edit in the list mode fixed
* WP excess utility taxonomies hidden in the settings

= Thank you! =
For being EML users for so many years.
* *This update has been issued in Ukraine under everyday missile attacks.*
* *Please do not buy into ruzzian lies and propaganda. This aggression is unprovoked, illegal, and unfair. The people of Ukraine have all the right to live peacefully without ungrounded ruzzian claims and crimes committed.*
* *Support Ukraine. We are badly in need of weapons for defense.*