Ella - Multipurpose Shopify Theme OS 2.0

Shopify Thème Ella - Multipurpose Shopify Theme OS 2.0 v6.6.1

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Ella version 6.6.1 (24/05/2024)​

We have added the following designs and features:
We have updated/fixed the following features:
  • Added Product Tags to the Product Detail Page.
  • Added settings for Sticky Checkout Button on Mobile.
  • Added settings dropdowns for 'Shipping Estimate' and 'Coupon Code'.
  • Added settings for Sticky Add To Cart Always On Mobile.
  • Added settings for Sidebar 'Swipe right (on mobile)'.
  • Added Customer Avatar.
  • Updated the 'Variant Image Grouped' feature.
  • Updated the H1 tags for SEO compliance.
  • Updated 'Quick Shop 1', 'Quick View', and 'Edit Cart' styles for Mobile
  • Updated Filter Price - Multiple Currencies.
  • Updated color settings in the 'Featured Product' section.
  • Improved JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid.
  • Fixed issues with Predictive Search, Filter Price, Fancybox - Main Product Image, Product Block - Scrolling, Section Slideshow, Sale Badge, and other minor issues.
  • Fixed JavaScript, CSS, and Liquid.
Download Ella v6.6.0 - Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme Nulled Free
Ella v6.6.0 (17/04/2024)

We have added the following design and feature:
New Home: Chic Couture
06 New Sections: Featured Articles Carousel, Newsletter With Countdown, Collections List, Spotlight Products, Custom Product Widget, Product Highlight.
New Product Card 08.
We have updated/fixed the following features:
Added the Wishlist icon block to the Mobile Header.
Added a setting to display the Product Wishlist icon in full color.
Added video setup for mobile in the Slideshow section.
Added settings to select the Wishlist page link.
Added the settings option 'always' for the Mobile Header - Sticky.
Added a setting to layout showing 1 item under mobile in the product template Gallery.
Improved: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid.
Fixed: Product Swatch, Vertical Mobile Header, Quickview, Variant Image Grouped, Product Bundle & Product Combo, Filter Price, Product Block - RTL, and other minor issues.
Fixed: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid.
Download Ella v6.5.5 - Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme Nulled Free
Ella version 6.5.5 (29/02/2024)

We have added the following new features:
Added: Animated Cursors Effects: Following Cursor Effect + Swirl Cursor Effect
The following cursor effect makes it easier for readers to navigate around the bold, content-heavy website. It makes the cursor more prominent so users can more easily locate where they are and move around the content-rich site.
The swirl cursor effect is a great contrast against the stark black background.

Page Preloading Effects: Logo image, Loading bar, and Rolling

Preloaders are essential interface elements, signaling that the website is active and processing data to prevent users from assuming it has crashed.
Creative animations enliven interfaces, adding uniqueness and branding to products. This small detail can significantly enhance user experience.

Built-in Store locator page: We have built this page to work with Google Maps, eliminating the need to pay for a 3rd party app.
We have updated/fixed the following features:

Compatibility with Shopify Subscriptions App
Improved: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid
Fixed: Product Bundle, Product Combo, Breadcrumb, Buy It Now button color, Language and Currency on Header Nav - Plain, Product Card, RTL layout, and other minor issues.
Fixed: JavaScript, CSS, Liquid
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Réactions: thomasballatore
We have added the following design and feature:
  • New Home: Single Product. Click here to set up this Home
  • New Function: Section Anchor
  • New Sections: Collapsible Content, Custom Banner Image 2, Featured Product, Product Review

We have updated the following features:
  • Update to show Collection for Breadcrumb
  • Update to show filter by Color
  • Update a new logic to load the Mobile Menu faster.
  • Update a new logic to load the product data faster.
  • Improve for RTL layout when using Translate App

We have fixed the following issues:
  • Elements With Non-unique for Quick Search
  • Logic for Calculate Free Shipping Message
  • Sidebar on Filter doesn't work with a different name of "More Filter" from Filter By Tag title
  • Mobile Header CSS issue on an old IOS version
  • Issue with Gift Wrap
  • Announcement Bar doesn't work on old IOS version when using animation
  • Issue with Product Bundle when the sidecart has not loaded
  • Product Price on Quickview doesn't update by variants
  • Style issue when using Special Banner within Image Banner section
  • And we’ve squashed other minor pesky bugs also
Download Ella v6.5.3 - Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme Nulled Free
Ella version 6.5.3 (29/09/2023)
We've just rolled out a new UI/UX and Animation update, packed with enhancements to elevate your store's overall experience:

  • Added: Loading Animation: Fade up
  • Added: Hover Effects: Vertical Lift and 3D Lift
  • Added: Section Animations: Ambient Movement and Zoom-in on scroll
  • Added: "Infinite Scrolling" for Instagram + Brands Slider.
  • Added: "Swatch Color" type 'Metafields' – use color codes or images with PNG format from metafields.
  • Updated: Changed the email form from "Our Server" to "Shopify" on the send email form.
  • Updated: Cart Page – updated deprecated discounts property on line items.
  • Updated: Added recipient fields "send on date" to your gift card products.
We have fixed the following issues:
  • Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid.
  • Fixed: Wishlist page error when turning off Product Price settings.
  • Fixed: Product Card 06 error on Wishlist page when turning off the Show/Hide Button option in Product Card settings.
  • Fixed: Cart Page – cannot increase or decrease product quantity.
  • Fixed: Header Nav Multi-Site setting – mobile logo for tab menus now works correctly.
This is a small update version which we fixed 4 below issues in theme only:

    • Fixed: Layout issue for Quick Search
    • Fixed: Header navigation multi site: Cannot change color for Menu Level 1
    • Fixed: Error happens when increasing quantity to the maximum on cart page
    • Fixed: Show More button on the Product block cannot work correctly.
    • Updated: Header Advanced: Add a new option to change logo position


We have added the following features:
    • Section group: Header group & footer group.
    • New Home - Bagratica
We have updated the following features:
    • Removed: Setting CUSTOM CSS in Theme settings.
    • Removed: Setting Header, Footer, Header Mobile, Header PC, Footer Layout in Theme settings / MULTIPLE LAYOUTS.
We have improved & fixed the following issues:
    • Improved: JS, CSS, Liquid
    • Fixed: Announcement Bar when setting option layout Slider it doesn't work.
    • Fixed: Price on sticky Add To Cart.
    • Fixed: Sticky Notification Bar not working when disable Sticky Toolbar Mobile.
    • Fixed: Can't click on product image on product card when selecting Product Card 02 and showing option Product Size Variant.
    • Fixed: Setting font size for Product Vendor and Product Price not working.
    • Fixed: Video on Product Block section not working.
    • Fixed: Close popup button of Product Tab not working after changing variant of main product on mobile.
    • Fixed: some other minor issues.
Download Ella v6.4.2 - Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme
Ella version 6.4.2 (10/01/2023)

We have added the following features:
Marquee on Product Card
Marquee Section
Before/After Image Slider Section
TikTok Video Section
We have updated the following features:
Someone Purchase
Product Card: Added option to show wishlist and quick view icon on mobile.
Wishlist Page: Added option to choose Grid or List layout for wishlist page.
Product Detail Page: Added option to show/hide icon zoom on mobile.
Product price on Sticky Add To Cart.
We have fixed the following issues:
Variant not changed on quick view popup when quantity input is disabled.
Sold In Last function not showing on quick view popup.
Theme settings: option "Product Price?" in Product Card not working properly.
Cookie Popup re-appearing after accept button clicked.
We have added the following features:
    • New Home - Swimwear 2
    • Grid View layout for Wishlist page.
    • Store Locator Page
    • Sticky Promotion
    • Top Bar Promotion
    • Hot Stock Function for products without variants / options.
    • Scroll Layout for Related Product and Recently Viewed sections.
    • Option to toggle "Shipping is calculated at checkout" text on quick cart and page cart.
    • Color gradient settings for the GDPR popup.
    • Saved price next to the product price on product page.
We have fixed the following issues:
    • Back to top button not showing when sticky recently viewed is turned off.
    • Product tabs shows no content when tab vertical layout is selected for both Desktop and Mobile.
    • Quick shop not working for products with color and without size options.
    • The variant image getting blurry even the proper resolution is selected.
    • The background color of the collection description changing to grey when position absolute is active.
    • The read more button appearing even when collection has no description.
    • The padding Container Full Width not working on the product page.
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Réactions: belapuzsoma
    • New Header
    • New Footer
    • New Sections
    • New Product Card
    • Update Filter By Tags(New code structure with Shopify Search & Discovery)