Easy View Shortcode in WPBakery Page Builder

WordPress Plugin Easy View Shortcode in WPBakery Page Builder v1.1.1

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Easy View Shortcode in WPBakery Page Builder.jpg

You trying to build pages with WPBakery Page Builder shortcodes in Classic Mode instead of using the Visual Backend Editor can be a frustrating and confusing experience. After all WPBakery Page Builder exists to build pages visually and not fight with code. Until now, finding the shortcode or shortcodes for individual elements or sections of content built in the WPBakery Page Builder Backend Editor required you to switch into Classic Mode and search through hundreds of lines of shortcodes and all those confusing [row][column][/column][/row] tags and everything in between. You cut and paste only find out you missed a tag, copied from the wrong spot, or simply selected the wrong shortcodes all together, then you start all over again feeling irritated and frustrated that you couldn’t find what you needed easily and quickly. Finding a needle in a haystack would be easier…no joke. Meanwhile your blood pressure is rising and your precious minutes and hours are ticking away with low productivity. Never again will this happen to you with Easy View Shortcode!
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
89 Affichages
v1.1.1 Version
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