DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform

DeepSound - Ultimate PHP Music Sharing & Streaming Platform v1.5.2

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Download Free DeepSound - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform Nulled
Deep Sound
is a high-quality music sharing & streaming PHP script, Deep Sound is the best way to start your own music streaming website! our platform is fast, and secured, and it is being regularly updated.

Deep Sound is the only music platform in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!
  • Do you have any questions? take a look at our documentation.
  • Current Version: v1.4.9, View Full Change Log
  • Looking For Demo? View Demo (You can sign up with any random information.)
  • Looking For Native Mobile Applications For Deep Sound? Get All Applications.
  • Upload Music: Upload any song from your device and share it online with other users.
  • Wave generator: Once the song is uploaded, the system generates real-time waves for each song.
  • High Performance & Capability: Deep Sound can handle any amount of songs easily, with very high performance and speed.
  • WoWonder Integration: With one click, users can log in to your site using WoWonder Social Network.
  • Sell songs: Users can sell songs to other users.
  • User Profile: The user can create his own profile and upload unlimited music.
  • SEO friendly: SEO-friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love!
  • Powerful Admin panel: Manage settings, videos, design, and a lot more easily from our admin panel.
  • Powerful UI: Beautiful and modern design.
  • Pro System: Users can get top features by subscribing to one of the script pro packages.
  • Dashboard: The user can view the latest song statics from his own dashboard.
and much more…

PHP 5.5 or Higher.
GD Library.
Mb string.
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Réactions: p.d.tbestman
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
245 Affichages
v1.5.2 Version
11 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. DeepSound v1.5.2 Nulled

    v1.5.2 [20/01/2023] ADDED plugin system, now developers can make plugins for DeepSound and keep...
  2. DeepSound v1.5.1 Nulled

    Download DeepSound v1.5.1 - The Ultimate PHP Music Sharing Platform Nulled Free
  3. v1.5.1 [13/01/2023] Changelog

    Changelog See what's new added, changed, fixed, improved, or updated in the latest versions...