Dating App - web version, iOS and Android apps

Dating App - web version, iOS and Android apps v6.5

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Codecanyon: 14781822

Complete Dating App (Android and iOS versions of apps) with rich features and Web version. With Dating App people can find new friends and communicate in real time, make gifts to each other, and much more. Responsive website version will allow users of other operating systems (example: Windows Mobile, iOS, PC) using your resource.

Dating App built in latest version Android Studio (Android version) and Xcode 11.3 with Swift 5 (iOS version). The server side is built on object oriented php with MySQL database. Installation of the server part is done quickly in a few simple steps.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
118 Affichages
v6.5 Version
4 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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