Community Surveys

Joomla Plugin Community Surveys v6.2.3

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Community Surveys.jpg

Joomla! survey component to create full-featured and beautiful surveys in minutes. Next-generation form builder, conditional rules, one-page forms, survey invitations, and more out of the box.

Fully Responsive: Not just looks but also behaves great on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.

Front-end & Back-end survey creation: You can create surveys from the front-end as well as the back-end. Fully control which user group will have permission to create, manage, and respond from the front end.

Easy to use: Creation of survey using our advanced Ajax framework

21 question types and many variations
  • Page header
  • Single selection radio buttons: Can be displayed inline like a Likert scale or line by line
  • Multiple selection checkboxes: Can be displayed inline like a Likert scale or line by line
  • Single selection combo boxes: You can display any number of options in the dropdown
  • Multi-row - Multi-Column Radio Buttons Grid
  • Multi-row - Multi-Column Checkboxes Grid
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Ranking - Drag & drop answers to rank them
  • Sliders: Can display a single slider or multiple slider questions with 4 different themes
  • Star Ratings
  • Single-row free text
  • Multi-row text area
  • Password
  • Rich text box
  • Select one image (radio)
  • Select multiple images (checkbox)
  • Name
  • Email
  • Signature
  • Calendar
  • Address.
Conditional Rules: Fully control the flow of response based on user input.
  • When the user selected a specified answer then; A) Go to another page B) Show another question on the same page or C) Finish the survey
  • When the user does not select a specified answer then; A) Go to another page B) Show another question on the same page or C) Finish the survey
  • When the user selects any of the answers to a question, shows a specified page, or finishes the survey
  • When the user does not select any of the answers to a question, show a specified page, or finish the survey
Google Sheets Integration: Automatically sync your response data to Google Sheets.

Export Reports Download all responses as a CSV file. Print the individual responses as PDFs.

Access Restriction: Allow any user group to create and manage Surveys. Start your own survey business. Create and manage surveys from the front end.

Multiple invitation types - select registered users, a Joomla user group, JomSocial user group, Acymailing lists, or custom contact groups. Or you can send unique survey URLs manually through your favorite mail client.

Contact Groups: Manage all your contacts by uploading through CSV or entering manually. Add them to multiple contact groups and invite each group at once.

Integrated multilevel category system to categorize all public surveys

Restrict the number of survey invitations using Points System. Integrated with Sociable, CjForum, CjBlog, Alpha User Points, EasySocial, and JomSocial Points

Reports and charts - geo chart, daily responses chart, multi-search enabled responses list report, location report, and device report

♦ Ability to take surveys with or without your Joomla template (full page mode).

Avatars - Gravatar, Sociable, CjForum, CjBlog, JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, Kunena & Alpha User Points

Public Surveys and Private Surveys - Public Surveys allow anyone to take surveys. Private surveys allow you to track who does what.

Redirection: You can redirect users to a custom URL, consolidated report, or even display a custom message after a user completes a survey response.

Survey Form Module & Results module: Display survey in any module position or article
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
240 Affichages
v6.2.3 Version
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Dernières mises à jour

  1. Changelog for Joomla Community Surveys 6.2.3