
Invision Community Plugin Chatbox+ v2.8.7

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Chatbox+ is an application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages.
Supports room chat, club chat and the private one-2-one chat.
The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other.


*NEW* Private one-2-one chat:

  • Chat boxes display on bottom right allow member to chat with each other.
  • Multi chat at same time.
  • Permission for who can use the private chat.
  • Ability to select skin for each box.
  • Load more messages on scroll up (or down).
  • Easy to find member name to start the chat.
  • Sound notification for new message.
  • Report messages.
  • User online status.
  • Minimize and close chat boxes.
  • Ban settings.
  • Supports Clean Text Input with emoji, Youtube, URL, images, audio files, Giphy plugins,
  • Supports Lazyload images.
  • Interval in milliseconds.
  • Flood control.
  • Message length limit.
  • Permission to edit/delete messages.
  • Fully responsive - will adapt to mobile, tablet, desktop.
  • *NEW* Group Chat
  • This feature is an extension of Member Chat to allow users to create a group and invite people to chat.
  • Option to set maximum users in a group.
  • Users can leave group whenever they want.
  • Displaying users list in a group.
  • System notification when user joins/leaves group.
  • Group owner can rename the group.
  • Permission for who can invite people to join group.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
88 Affichages
v2.8.7 Version
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