BuddyPress Moderation Tools

WordPress Plugin BuddyPress Moderation Tools v1.5.2

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BuddyPress Moderation Tools​

The most complete BuddyPress Report Abuse and Community moderation solution.
Report abuse, User moderation, Activity moderation, Group moderation, extensible Reportable types and a lot more.

Keep your Community safe and meaningful.​

With BuddyPress Report Abuse & Moderation features.

  • Let your members assist you in making a better community.
  • Keep your community safe and orderly.
  • Community Moderation gives your community a sense of authenticity and tools against the trolls.

Enterprise level workflow features.​

  • Configurable admin email notifications on reported content.
  • Configurable admin email notifications on content hiding.
  • Configurable user email on their content hiding.
  • Configurable user email on their content restoration.
  • Configurable user email on their content deletion.
  • Option to keep log/history of all the moderation activities(including the decision on content and who restored,deleted etc).

Take control of the report form.​

  • You can Configure which form fields should be shown.
  • You can configure which form fields are required.
  • You can configure who can see the report button and who can report.

Moderate users.​

  • Enable/Disable moderation/report abuse for users.
  • Hide users on reaching threshold.
  • Optionally, Automatic logout and block login on reaching threshold.
  • Limit user capabilities(if not blocked from login), restrict from posting updates, replies, messages.
  • Show notices.
  • Email workflow for the blocked user/admin on report, hiding, restoration and account deletion.

Powerful BuddyPress Activity and Comment/Reply moderation.​

  • Enable/Disable moderation/report abuse for BuddyPress Activity or Activity Reply.
  • Enable/Disable auto moderation for BuddyPress activity or activity comment. If enabled, All new activities and comments will be held in moderation and will need admin approval to be published.
  • Hide activity, replies on reaching threshold.
  • Hide activity, comments from reporters.
  • Email workflow for the user who posted hidden activity and site admin on report, hiding, restoration and activity deletion.
  • Email workflow for the user who posted hidden comment and site admin on report, hiding, restoration and comment deletion.
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141 Affichages
v1.5.2 Version
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