BuddyPress Editable Activity

WordPress Plugin BuddyPress Editable Activity v2.0.4

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BuddyPress Editable Activity plugin allows users on BuddyPress based social network to edit their activity or activity comment easily. It allows in place editing of the activity/comments by the user.


  • Users can edit their own activity
  • Users Can edit their own comment
  • Site Admins can edit all activity & comment from front end
  • Site admin can control the time duration and what can be edited
  • Works with all Themes
  • Responsive
  • Allows visual editing of content(Added in 1.3.0)
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
27 Affichages
v2.0.4 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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