Birthday in Registration Screen

Invision Community Plugin Birthday in Registration Screen v7.0.0

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Vous pouvez télécharger 10 fichiers tous les 24 heures. Devenez Membre Premium pour outrepasser cette limite.
This plugin will allow new users to fill in their birth date during the registration process.
  • Require birth date on registration screen?
  • Require full birth date?
    • If enabled, MONTH, DAY and YEAR will be required.
    • If disabled, only MONTH and DAY are required.
  • The form element inserts after the Confirm Password field.
Birthday in Registration Screen1.png
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
99 Affichages
v7.0.0 Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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