BetterLinks Pro Shorten, Track and Manage any URL

Nulled WordPress Plugin BetterLinks Pro Shorten, Track and Manage any URL v2.2.3 NULLED

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= 1.4.3 - 29/01/2023 =
- Fixed: PHP notice 'Undefined index' when creating a post/page
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 1.4.2 - 25/01/2023 =
- Added: Option to Disable instant redirect & autolink keywords for custom post types
- Fixed: Cloaking prevents mobile responsive adjustment & favicon not showing
- Fixed: Undefined index when trying link redirection
- Fixed: Set Default value as on Technology based Redirects
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
Download BetterLinks Pro Shorten, Track and Manage any URL v1.4.1 Nulled Free
= v1.4.1 - 22/12/2022 =

- Fixed: Auto-Link Keywords | Heading tags getting autolinked even when not enabled
- Fixed: Auto-Link Keywords not working when a keyword is used twice inside a phrase/sentence
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements