BeLink - Bio Link & URL Shortener Platform

Untouched PHP Script BeLink - Bio Link & URL Shortener Platform v3.0.8

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2024 May 24 - Version 3.0.8​

  • new: errors on the site will now show more details, if logged in as admin.
  • new: translations can now be downloaded and uploaded as .json file
  • new: added CRON, outgoing email and error logs in admin area
  • new: changed email verification to use one time password, instead of verification link
  • new: improve link image positioning in biolink page
  • fix: outline button color change in biolink editor
  • fix: shortening urls without providing protocol
  • fix: some layout issues in user profile page

2024 January 05 - Version 3.0.6​

  • new: it's now possible to change default font, border radius and navbar color from appearance editor.
  • fix: a few issues with user passwords and login
  • fix: issue with when switching from stripe test mode to live
  • fix: custom landing page SEO tags not showing sometimes
  • fix: date range picker issue when starting selection from end date
  • Thanks
Réactions: woose
  • new: link page options can now be disabled via permissions
  • new: check branded domains against blacklisted domain list
  • new: check alias against blacklisted keywords
  • new: added social icons in the icon selector in menu manager
  • new: added logout button to verify email page
  • new: show user suspension reason on edit user page
  • fix: same alias not working on different branded domains
  • fix: landing page input text color in dark mode
  • fix: make default alias searchable
  • fix: hide upgrade button in navbar if subscriptions are disabled
  • fix: default logo broken after installation
  • fix: wrong endpoints in api documentation
  • fix: plan not allowing removal of all permissions
  • fix: disable user change plan button if subscription is created from admin area
  • fix: reset scroll position when navigating between custom pages
  • fix: datepicker keyboard input not working sometimes

2023 May 17 - Version 3.0.3​

  • new: click report can now be filtered by country and can display cities in geo chart
  • new: added an option to show branding logo on biolink pages
  • new: added two factor authentication support
  • new: users can now be suspended/baned from admin area
  • new: added full size social login buttons as an option in login and register pages
  • new: it's now possible to prevent emails from certain domains from registering new accounts
  • new: added active sessions panel in account settings page
  • new: Improved responsiveness of all tables across the site.
  • new: added "stop_on_error" option to batch link shortening API method.
  • fix: some drag and drop issues
  • fix: last week option in date picker
  • fix: savings calculation in pricing page
  • fix: role names not being translatable
  • fix: prevent admin user from being deleted
  • fix: clicks not being logged properly when queue driver is set to redis
  • fix: somes linkedin links not passing validation
  • fix: wrong site url sometimes being set during installation
  • fix: google tag manager snippet not being inserted correctly sometimes
  • fix: external link not working when added in 'auth-dropdown' position via menu manager
  • fix: some visual issues on checkout page
  • fix: light theme still being default, event if dark theme is selected in settings page
  • fix: hide theme change button if theme changing is disabled in settings page

2023 January 04 - Version 3.0.2​

Bug Fixes​

  • Disabled links will now properly show an error page.
  • Updated GEOIP database for resolving user location from IP.
  • Fixed text color when shortening link on landing page in dark mode.
  • Fixed logout sometimes not working until page reload.
  • Some improvements to ad positioning in built-in slots.
  • Fixed some permission issues when viewing links via API.
  • fixed long links overflowing biolink editor container
  • Removed extra whitespace on some spotify embeds.
  • Fixed direct link type not redirecting to long url if password is set for the link.