
Nulled WordPress Plugin Automatic.css v3.0.3 NULLED

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JUNE 29, 2024 - 3.0.1
  • Support for font family
  • Justify and text-align controls for buttons
  • .width--full is no longer based on content width
  • Fixed logic for deprecated section padding classes
  • Restored the "doorway" file for backward compatibility with 3rd party SCSS plugins
JUNE 28, 2024 - 3.0.0

V3.0 is now official! This changelog entry only lists the changes since rc-2. Make sure you review the long list of beta and RC changelog releases for 3.0 prior to this one for the full scope of updates related to v3.0. Always make a backup of your site before upgrading and clear all caches, including server caches and cloudflare prior to submitting any support requests.
  • .link-hover-- classes
  • .btn--none
  • Simple Bricks UI/UX Enhancements
  • Manage dashboard state for frontend and backend separately
  • Refactored header height and scroll offset features
  • Content Grid exclusions
  • New constant as alternative to wp_environment_type
  • Option to use header height for scroll offsets
  • You can now save changes directly from the search results screen
  • Improved backend validation
  • Fixed some instances where the "changed" indicator dot wasn't indicating properly
  • Fixed an issue with the dashboard not opening in Gutenberg
  • Fixed global styling for text size classes
  • Fixed missing spacing in non-iframe Gutenberg instances
  • Fixed the toggle that completely removes ACSS styling from Gutenberg
  • Fix for box-shadow paste error
  • Fluent Forms styling fixes
  • WS Form styling fixes
  • Fixed a bug with blank heading/text size inputs in overrides
  • More bug fixes related to dashboard position with boxed layouts
  • Fixed the duplicate save button generated by cheatsheet searches
  • Fix for live preview of font sizes when clearing inputs
APRIL 4, 2024 - 2.8.3
This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.
  • Programmatic color scheme protection
  • Gutenberg styles no longer load in the preview area when "load styling in backend" is disabled
  • Auto-BEM no longer disrupts Bricks global classes
  • Section spacing is now visible in the context menu on spacing inputs
  • Compatibility issues between contextual color utilities and color scheme protection classes are now solved
  • Compatibility issues with color scheme protection classes for website background color, text color, and heading colors have been fixed
  • Relative paths in import statements no longer cause issues with SG Optimizer
  • Headings now switch colors automatically when using auto color relationships
MARCH 18, 2024


This is a security release that fixes a potential XSS and CSRF vulnerability in our backend. The update won’t impact the layout and styling of your websites, so you can perform it safely.
FEBRUARY 9, 2024 - 2.8.1
  • This is our standard post-release update focusing exclusively on bug fixes and improvements.
  • Content-grid class now has the correct specificity
  • Heading colors now apply the correct value
  • Loom extension no longer creates extra space
  • Contextual color classes are back
  • Heading sizes and line heights in Oxygen now produce the correct output
  • Accent button is back in the context menu
  • Removed references to --variable-grid from our docs