[Audentio] Feeds

Xenforo Plugin [Audentio] Feeds v1.3.2 Patch Level 1

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After years in the forum world, learning what is ideal for forum structure and user experience, we’ve taken the step forward in what a community should be with Feeds.

We wanted to better organize the way users can quickly find and create content, engage with others about topics that are unrelated to the forum subject but at the same time not alienate users that prefer a more traditional forum structure. Research, countless hours in iteration, and ingenuity have lead us to create a product that has all the benefits of a social platform but never compromising the needs of small communities.


Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
162 Affichages
v1.3.2 Patch Level 1 Version
1 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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