Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons on Product & Cart page

Prestashop Plugin Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons on Product & Cart page v1.2.34

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Direct payments from Apple Pay and Google Pay on the Product page and the Cart Page.
InstantPay module creates the order with the Google or Apple data of the client, simplifying the purchase steps and increasing drastically the conversion rate.

Simply payments for your clients with the Official buttons of Apple Pay and Google Pay.

The customers will not need to register or write their cards anymore to buy in your store.

If the customers have an Apple or Google account, they can make the order with just one click and this Module will process the data of the client, carriers available and their prices and it will make the order automatically.

1. Convenience: Allowing customers to pay for their orders directly on the product page can save them time and effort. Instead of having to navigate through multiple pages to complete their purchase, they can simply enter their payment information and complete the transaction right there on the product page.

2. Faster checkout: By streamlining the checkout process and reducing the number of steps required to complete a purchase, customers can complete their transactions faster. This can help reduce cart abandonment rates and increase sales.

3. Improved user experience: Providing a seamless checkout experience can help improve the overall user experience of your website. When customers find it easy to navigate and make purchases on your site, they are more likely to return in the future.

4. Increased conversions: By providing a simple and intuitive checkout process, you can help increase the number of completed transactions on your site. When customers can easily and quickly purchase products, they are more likely to convert into paying customers.

5. Lower cart abandonment rates: Simplifying the checkout process can also help reduce cart abandonment rates. By eliminating unnecessary steps and providing a more user-friendly experience, customers are less likely to abandon their carts before completing their purchase.

6. Enhanced security: Paying directly on the product page can also enhance the security of your website. By using a secure payment gateway and encryption technology, you can help protect customers' sensitive payment information.
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v1.2.34 Version
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