[AndyB] Security lock manager

Xenforo Plugin [AndyB] Security lock manager v1.2

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Automatically sets security lock on inactive accounts.

This add-on is very useful on sites with many inactive users. It helps prevent accounts which have been password compromised to be used for fraud purposes.

(Example of Options page)



  1. Install add-on.
  2. Run Security lock manager Cron entry manually.
Questions and answers:

Q: If a member is on security lock, what does he have to do to login in?
A: The member will be asked to go to the email sent and click the password change process. The member will need to use a new password, they cannot use the existing password.
Q: How often does the Cron entry run?
A: Once a month.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
171 Affichages
v1.2 Version
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