Android Event App (Create Event, Event Booking)

Nulled Android/IOS-APP Android Event App (Create Event, Event Booking) v5.0 NULLED

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Android Event App.jpg

Android Event App NULLED (Create Event, Event Booking)​

This android application is for discovering events to be happening in your cities and nearby, also find trending events. Register and Login yourself and create your own events. You can also register yourself for other events and get a ticket through the mail. Also, share the event to your friends and family and let them know events your attending.

Android Side​

  • Category wise event list
  • Nearby event list
  • User event list
  • Booking event list
  • RecentView event list
  • Add to favourite features for event
  • Share event with deep link
  • User can upload event and also edit or delete event
  • Login/Registration features
  • Mange profile feature
  • Get ticket via mail
  • User can download and view ticket
  • User can download event detail in excel sheet
  • Share application link
  • Latest ui with material design
  • All device combability
  • Latest navigation view
  • Rate App, more app and share app links
  • Check network availability
  • Easy admin panel with latest material design
  • OneSignal push notification
  • Admob Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Facebook Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • StartIO/StartApp Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Applovin Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Wortise Ads (Banner/Interstitial/Native)
  • Android Studio Version – Chipmunk (2021.2.1) Patch 1

Admin Side​

  • Bootstrap 100% Responsive Design
  • Easy Installation
  • User-Friendly Dashboard (Graph Analytics)
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Event and User Event
  • Manage Home Slider
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Contact Subject List
  • Manage Contact List
  • Manage Event Booking List
  • Manage Reports
  • Manage Notification and Notification Settings
  • Manage Settings
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
74 Affichages
v5.0 NULLED Version
0 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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