AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS

Nulled PHP Script AmazCart - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS v4.0 NULLED

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v4.0 (25 April 2024)​

: SEO issues fix.
: Optimize Pages
: Optimize Database Queries
: Remove Duplicate Queries
: Optimize images
: Frontend Filter issue Fixed
: Accurate Error Handlaing on form validation fail
: Language and translation issues fix
: Categories Listing page Rating filter issue fix.
: Review issues fix.
: Sitemap Issue fix
: Guest and Login customer Invoice download issue fix
: Carts page image issue fix.
: Add country issues fix.
: Brand Pagination issue fix.
: Shipping Order Invoice Download fix
: Customer Registration mail sending issue fix.
: Customer email verification issue fix
: Customer account active on email verification issue fix.
: Category List on responsive view
: Dashboard Design issues fix.
: Dashboard User management issue fix.
: Products Attribute, unite issue fix.
: Dashboard Shipping rates, orders issue fix.
: Coupon issue fix.
: Finance Account issue fix.
: Wallet issues fix.
: Blog issues fix
: Admin Reports issues fix.
: Media manager issues fix.
: Seller panel issues fix

New Features
: Phone number digit control from general settings
: All Images convert to webp from Utilities
: new image upload and convert to webp enable / disable option on general settings
: Enable / Disable option of Customer info update on General settings
: Previously updated info show in admin panel customer details page.
: Video can be upload on Product Review
: Review image show on Lightbox
: Filter review by star
: Image lazyloading enable / disabel option on general settings
: Print of Manifestation
: Torod Module
: Clickpay Module

: min version v3.9.1 required to update v4.0,
: PHP version min 8.1 is required

v3.9.1 update​

17th Nov, 2023
Fixed : Shipping rate amount issue fix
: Veriant products stock issue fix.
: Shipping orders Invoice print font issue fix.
: Shipping orders Label print font issue fix.
: Products Details page Javascript issue fix.
: Email Templates Shortcodes Fix
Note : min version v3.9 required to update v3.9.1, PHP version min 8.1 is required
V3.7.5 - 26th May, 2023
Bug Fixed: Promo Banner responsive issue fixed(New Theme).
: OTP Template issue fixed.
: Order Status and all other sms send issues fixed.
: Forgot password not validating issue fixed.
: Reg OTP not redirection issue fixed.
: Error in uploading categories After that old categories are also not showing the issue fixed.
: Page Builder Permission issue fixed.
: contact mail issue fixed.
: Error while uploading images of more than 5 product details page responsive issue fixed.
: When the customer register or login into a phone number and update their information, they have to know the number, but the profile doesn't update. Even though email will be required as we as a phone number. Either it will not work properly.
: Registration with a Phone number will not be able to register with an incorrect mobile number, so it has to be a length of seven to sixteen digits, then it will work properly.
: Registration with Email will not be able to register without the correct mail format and it has to be a unique email which never been used before.
: Wholesale product price issue fixed.
: When the user cancels their product order, it will automatically change the total top-selling number.
: Admin and seller panel search issue fixed.

Update: A super Admin can GST/VAT/TAX List from individually selected tax, VAT or GST can be added product.
: A user can manually change the Product Quantity by putting in their desirable number on the product details page.
: A user can manually change the Product Quantity by putting in their desirable number on the Cart page.
New Features: CheckPincode Module.
: Tabby Payment Gateway Module.
Need Module Update: MultiVendor module needs to update v1.9.5.
: OTP module needs to update v1.3.3.
: ClubPoint module needs to update v1.2.1.
: POS module needs to update v1.1.2.
: WholeSale module needs to update v1.2.1.
: SslCommerz module needs to update to v1.3.2.
: MercadoPago module needs to update v1.3.2.
: Bkash module needs to update v1.3.2.

NB: Update from min version 3.6 Otherwise the system can break. If you purchase any paid module, please follow the module update section with the latest version.
  • Like
Réactions: foxerbg_53810

V3.7 (28 March 2023)​

Bug Fixed : Single vendor active carrier error fixed.
: Affiliate>Affiliate Settings>Affiliate Update Button name issue fixed.
: Affiliate Save Button name issue fixed.
: When i’m at backend, and i want to configure the shipping methods, when i click any option there is a 500 error too fixed.
: Seller Panel>Support Ticket>Add New Ticket validation error fixed.
: Admin Panel>Payment Gateway>Toaster Message error issue fixed.
: Customer Shipping and Billing address update error issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Customer Dashboard>Earning Point, club point is not showing here issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Club Point Counting issue on variant product order issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>System Settings>Analytics Tools validation issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>Appearance>Preloader Settings>Browse Image validation issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>Merchant Content>Add New>Browse Image validation issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>Frontend CMS>Promotion Bar>Browse File validation issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>Frontend CMS>Footer Setting>App Link & Others>Browse Image validation issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>Frontend CMS>Home Page>Discount Banner> Browse Image file validation issue fixed.
: Seller>Products>Add New Product>Upload pdf file taking the PHP file to upload issue fixed.
: Seller Panel>My Staff>Add New Staff>Browse Image issue fixed.
: Customer Panel>My Account>Avatar Cross Button is not working issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Customer Dashboard>My Account>Basic Info>Browse Image is not uploading issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Customer Dashboard>My Account>Basic Info>Phone Number issue fixed.
: Affiliate>Users issue fixed.
: Affiliate>My Affiliate Page Design Issue fixed.
: Affiliate>Affiliate Settings>Affiliate Update Button name issue fixed.
: Affiliate Save Button name issue fixed.
: Affiliate>My Affiliate issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>All Activity Logs>Activity Logs & Login Activity issue fixed.
: Email template is not working as admin activated all the email templates issue fixed.
: System Settings>Email Template>Edit issue fixed.
: Composer package issue fixed.
: Footer setting issue fixed.
: Club Point>Edit Club Point issue fixed.
: Club Point>Max-Min Club Point , validation message error issue fixed.
: Club Point>Max-Min Club Point issue on the Variant product price issue fixed.
: When i’m at backend, and i want to configure the shipping methods, when i click any option there is a 500 error too fixed.
: RazorPay payment gateway issue fixed.
: Google pay payment issue fixed.
: PayUMoney Payment method error issue fixed.
: Midtrans payment getway issue fixed.
: Shipping >Shipping Orders>Filter>Date issue fixed.
: Shipping>Shipping Orders>Shipping filters on 'Method' issue fixed.
: Shipping >Pick Up Location>Pickup location list is showing empty after adding new pickup location issue fixed.
: Shipping>Shipping Rates, taking double entry on the shipping rates issue fixed.
: Shipping>Shipping Orders>Order>Label>Terms & Condition issue fixed.
: Shipping >Shipping Order>Order>Packaging Validation message error issue fixed.
: Admin dashboard review product error fixed.
: Shipping>Shipping Order>Order>Invoice issue fixed.
: Shipping>Shipping Configuration>ORDER CONFIRM AND SYNC WITH CARRIER, error showing issue fixed.
: Shipping >Shipping Order>Order>Label>QR Scan Code issue fixed.
: Recent Product Is not adding on the Shipping>Shipping Orders>Order List issue fixed.
: Shipping Order Method change Issue issue fixed.
: Online payment complete but payment status unpaid issue fixed.
: Product gallery image issue fixed.
: The email template issue fixed.
: Payment gateway list active and inactive issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Product Quick View>Variant wise image is not changing issue fixed.
: Seller Panel>My Reports>Top Customers list is empty issue fixed.
: Single Vendor Product Manage issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Admin Panel>Admin Reports>Top Selling Items issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Admin Panel>Admin Reports>Company Review table issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Admin Panel>Admin Reports>Product Review Table issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>Order Manage>Inhouse Order>Variant Product attribute select issue fixed.
: Product image issue on the single vendor>Product Details Page when admin deactivate the multi-vendor issue fixed.
: Single Vendor>Product Details Page>Variant Product Image select but variant are not showing as selecting of image issue fixed.
: Homepage Variant Product Quick View issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>All Activity>Activity Logs & Login Activity Design issue fixed.
: Admin panel>Order Manage>Search bar issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>My Wallet issue fixed.
: Wallet Manage issue fixed.
: Mail verification error issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS>POS List, variant product adding issue issue fixed.
: Product Qty wise product price is not changing issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS>POS List>Cancel Button execution error issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS toaster message issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS>POS List>Clear button is not working issue fixed.
: POS List>Each Product price show for all products in grid & list view issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS>POS Sales>Action/Select>Download/Challan Download issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS>POS List>Variant Product Select>Popup, on the popup attribute and SKU are not showing issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>POS>POS List>Left Side Product Setting Button is not working issue fixed.
: Customer Panel>Dashboard>My Wishlist issue fixed.
: Customer panel>Search Bar issue fixed.
: Admin Panel>My Wallet>Transaction issue fixed.
: When a product is sold but it's not adding on the Accounts>Income. — partially issue fixed.
: When a product is sold but it's not adding on the Accounts>Income — fully issue fixed.
: Bank to Bank Payment issue fixed.
: Accounts>Bank Account>Accounts History>Current Balance issue fixed.
: Accounts > Profit calculation issue fixed.
: Accounts > Bank accounts > Account history balance calculation issue fixed.
: Account > Expense module data loaded accurately issue fixed.
Update : Multivendor module update.
: Affiliate module update.
: ClubPoint module update.
: POS module update.
: Homepage api updated for showing data on featured category and type.
: Notification Slug Generate and implement full project.
New Features :Homepage popular search and about section enable and disable option add.
Need Module Update : MultiVendor module need to update v1.9.1
: Affiliate module need to update v1.6
: ClubPoint module need to update v1.2
: POS module need to update v1.1
NB: Update from min version 3.6 Otherwise the system can break. If you purchase any paid module, please follow module update section & update with latest version.
  • Like
Réactions: eslameprahim
v3.6 (21 Feb 2023)
Bug Fixed:

Seller OTP Error Fixed.
Club Point Module active order error fixed.
Multi-Language Module active single vendor product create error fixed.
Product details page Who Viewed product issue fixed (new theme).
Product details page Related product issue fixed (new theme).
Checkout page Intshipping module active product card design issue fixed (new theme).
When the Brand is empty no brand option removes the issue fixed (new theme).
Inhouse Product Search error fixed (admin panel).
Gest Order details error fixed (new theme).
club point module active gift card error fixed (new theme).
My product review error was fixed (admin panel).
product unit edit error fixed (admin panel).
guest checkout error fixed (new theme).
Seller product SKU status update error fixed (admin panel).
Razorpay error fixed (admin panel).
Single vendor product update error fixed
Product Details page Related product and Who Recent View product Error fixed
product details page empty condition check and error fixed
Club point active Gift card order error fixed.
Brand List load More button all data show option error fixed
Products Units Edit error fixed
Guest Checkout error fixed
Admin Panel Review My Product Review error fixed
Seller Product SKU Active/Inactive Status change error fixed
Razor pay payment getaway error fixed
Category Media manager error fixed
Appearance Menu setup ads section ads update error fixed
Product details page variant attribute on-click change error issue fixed
The homepage; Top Rating, People's Choice, Featured and Top Brands sections are disabled from the admin panel but it still displayed the title on the homepage issue fixed
Admin Panel Product Product List Variant Product Disable issue fixed.
Slug issue for Return Exchange Page(Admin Panel Frontend CMS Return Exchange issue fixed.
Admin Panel Products Product List Product By SKU Variant Product image issue fixed.
Admin Panel Products Category Parent Category issue fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Home Page Section List issue fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Contact Content issue fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Subscription Title issue fixed.
Refund Manage cancel issue fixed.
Multi-Vendor Admin Panel Merchant Content issue fixed.
Admin Panel Products Attribute Active/Inactive status issue fixed.
Admin Panel Brand Bulk Upload has no option for image upload from the media manager issue fixed.
Admin Panel Products Bulk Product Upload issue fixed.
Email Verification for Seller is the missing issue fixed.
Admin Panel Product Product List Action View Details issue fixed.
The customer Panel Dashboard Recharge Wallet issue is fixed.
The pickup location error is fixed.
Error on Frontend CMS HomePage Section Top Rating+People's Choice+Featured issue fixed.
The image color variant is not changing issue is fixed.
Order Manage My Order Order Id issue fixed.
Order Manage My Order Completed Order Status issue fixed.
Order Manage Cancel Reason Action/Select button is not showing the issue is fixed.
Multi-Vendor Existing product update error fixed.
The carrier location tracking feature is not working issue is fixed.
Multiple seller product refund issues fixed.
Seller and customer panel refund calculation issue(Re-Issue) fixed.
The customer Refund Request page issue fixed.
Refund Manage cancel issue fixed.
Admin Panel Order manage Total order Completed Order status issue fixed.
Seller Panel Refund Manage My Refund Refund Status issue fixed.
The refund Manage My Refund Table 'Is Refunded' column issue is fixed.
amazing theme product details page share option error fixed
Multi-Vendor Admin Panel Products Inhouse Product Product Stock Manage issue fixed.
Inhouse order Complete Orders Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel sidebar short view issue fixed.
Frontend Homepage variant product quick view Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Inhouse Order Variant Product Variant Select, user can not select variant more than two variants Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel In House Order Variant Product Product title image and Product Variant Image Issue Fixed.
Inhouse order Variant Product Add To Cart issue, the variant product is not adding to the cart Issue Fixed.
Inhouse Order Variant Product Shipping Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Order Manage Cancelled Order List Cancel order status Issue Fixed.
Cross Sale issue on Digital Variant Product Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel Settings Seller Logo and Banner is not uploading
Customer Panel Customer Dashboard Customer Profile Edit Customer Profile Image Issue Fixed.
Customer Dashboard My Account Basic Info Issue Fixed.
Admin Add New Product Tags Issue Fixed.
Error on Seller Login Products Add New Product Issue Fixed.
Error showing on seller bulk product upload approve Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Brand Select a Brand Website Link is not updating Issue Fixed.
The header is not changing on the frontEnd Issue is Fixed.
Seller Dashboard Product My Product Add New Product Thumbnail Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Attribute Attribute Edit Attribute Value(Error on attribute value update)
Add To cart multiple variant product order Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Home Page Top Brands Custom Select Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Order Manage My Order is not showing Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel Review Product Review Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Pop-Up Content Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Attribute Attribute value is taking the same input Issue Fixed.
Order Invoice with multiple variant product order Issue Fixed.
The follower Button issue solve.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS SOCIAL LINK issue Solve.
Frontend Product Details Page Video issue Solve.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Home Page Discount Banner Image Upload solve.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Home Page Section List Featured Issue Fixed.
Homepage Frontend CMS About Text Color and Search Tag text color is not changed Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Footer Settings About Text Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Add New Products Variant Products Variant attribute Issue Fixed.
Order Invoice with multiple seller product Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Frontend CMS Home Page Section List House Appliances Image Upload Issue Fixed.
The scrolling issue on the variant image product details page Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Units Edit, after editing the right is not showing Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Product List Product Update issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Product Selling Price Discount Issue Fixed.
Product Details Review Image Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel Order Manage Digital Variant Product Order Send By Email is not working Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel Settings Seller Logo and Banner are not uploading Issue Fixed.
Customer Panel Frontend Variant product add to compare list Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Product Related Product, Admin can not select multiple related products Issue Fixed.
Product Stock Manage Out of Stock showing The availability showing Unlimited Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Product Edit Cross Sale, when the user selected multiple products but it's only showing only one product Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Manage Seller Seller Settings Seller Auto Approve Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel setting Seller Logo Banner is not uploading Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel Seller Profile settings Business info and Bank Information cross button design Issue Fixed.
Seller Panel Order Manage Order Details Page Issue Fixed.
Frontend CMS Home Page Hot Categories Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Categories Bulk Categories Upload Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Products Product List Clone Product update and publish Issue Fixed.
Admin Panel Bulk Product import automatically becomes a Digital product. There is no option for product type Issue Fixed.
Frontend HomePage Category Page Filter By Rating Issue Fixed.
Dynamic page save error fixed.

Update: Multivendor module update.
Blog module admin approves and disapproves option added (admin panel).
Customer dashboard payment type includes change recharge (new theme).
Blog Post admin approves and disapprove option including (the admin panel).
Home page section category filter 3 option added(new theme).
Seller and customer SMS template Change with type. (admin panel).
Slug Generate all language support(admin panel).
Seller registration slug adds SEO-friendly (new theme).
Product details page Tags comma remove and button re-design(new theme).
Language key, date, Number wise translation.
coupon code if a coupon is set for multi-time from the admin panel it will check how much time it can be used and how many times it is already been used issue is fixed.
Admin panel Refund Manage Refund details Refund status complete then disable option.
New Features: Date Multi-language Translate.
: Number Multi language Translate.
: Home page section category-wise product panel two added (new theme).
: Category and brand Image media management added (admin panel).
: New User zone Banner Image media management added (admin panel).
: Blog Category Image media management added (admin panel).
: Blog Post Image media management added (admin panel).
: Many Option Image media management added (admin panel).
: Product Details page Varient image Slider option include (new theme).
: Customer Refund Request page Image option include (new theme).
: Shipping amount back when refund completed yes or no seller to seller complete.
: Seller panel Refund Manage Refund details Refund Image Show and Show Gallery Image.
: Product Details Review Image.
: Seller Panel Order Manage Digital Variant Product Order Send By Email.
: POS module.

Need Module Update:
: The MultiVendor module needs to update to v1.9
: Affiliate module needs to update v1.5
: OTP module needs to update v1.3.2
: GoogleMerchantCenter module needs to update v1.2.1
: FrontendMultiLang module needs to update v1.1
: Lead module needs to update v1.2.1
: GoldPrice module need to update v1.2.1
: StorageCDN module needs to update v1.1

NB: Update from min version 3.0 Otherwise the system can break. If you purchase any paid module, please follow the module update section update with the latest version.
Download AmazCart v3.5 - Laravel Ecommerce System CMS Nulled Free
V3.5 19 Dec 2022
v3.5 (11 Nov 2022)
19th Dec, 2022

Bug Fixed
: Seller to Seller Payment Gateway Configuration wise Payment method show issue fixed (new theme).
: Frontend Product Details Page Variant product Qty wise total price and both price issues fixed (new theme).
: Frontend Product Details Page Wholesale price currency-wise price issue fixed (new theme).
: Email setting SMTP setting mail engine selected issue fixed (new theme).
: Product details page multiple notifications showing when the 'Add to Compare' issue is fixed (new theme).
: Add permission for social link table migration file migration issue fixed (new theme).
: Frontend Product Details Page Variant product attribute change availability limit issue fixed (new theme).
: Categories page product Quick View when the customer clicks the color it shows 'No Stock Found for this Seller' issue fixed (new theme).
: Google maps API validation message show issue is fixed (admin panel).
: Google reCAPTCHA validation message show issue is fixed (admin panel).
: Daily Deals page issue fixed (new theme).
: The checkout page payment method list show issue fixed (new theme).
: Customer delete API issue fixed
: OTP mail engine selected issue fixed
: Appearance header setup responsive and alignment issues fixed (admin panel).
: Appearance color scheme setup responsive and alignment issues fixed (admin panel).
: Appearance pre-loader settings responsive and alignment issues fixed (admin panel).
: Appearance RTL Arabic dashboard responsive and alignment issues fixed (admin panel).
: Shipping rate responsive and alignment issues fixed (admin panel).
: Pickup locations are responsive and alignment issues are fixed (admin panel).
: Products sidebar My Product List page Action Select button View Status page Alignment Issue Fixed (seller panel).
: Select Any Customer page Action Button page Details Responsive and Alignment Issue Fixed (seller panel).
: page-builder/pages Responsive and Alignment Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Order Manage/Total Order Select any order Action Button Details Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Order Manage/Track Order Configuration Alignment Issue on 'Active' & 'Inactive' option Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: System Settings/ RTL Arabic dashboard Google Analytics' Alignment Spacing and Design Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: System Settings/ Maintenance Mode check the 'Yes/No' option Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: System Settings/About & update Update From Local Directory' → 'Browse File' → 'Browse', alignment issue Fixed (admin panel).
: System Settings/ module manager responsive and alignment issues fixed (admin panel).
: Payment Gateway Activation section, alignment, and spacing issue fixed.
: Setup/Currency List alignment Issue fixed (admin panel).
: Setup/ Tags Page Designing and alignment Issue fixed (admin panel).
: Accounts/Charts of Account design issues are mentioned Fixed (admin panel).
: Accounts/Income design issue fixed (admin panel).
: Accounts/Profit There is some spacing and alignment issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Shipping Rates Add New Shipping Rates and Cost Based on Alignment Issue on 'Cost Based on Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Career Sticky Page issue on the career page Issue Fixed (new theme).
: Dashboard My Order and Order Details Download Invoice issue fixed.
: GST/VAT/TAX > GST/VAT/TAX list and the user can’t delete the default IGST, SGST, CGST Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: On the in-house product, qty user can’t easily input the value Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: On the in-house order details page, the postal code is not showing Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Homepage/Frontend, when a user changes the base color but the 'Wish List' icon color is not changing Issue Fixed (New theme).
: Go to Products Sidebar Add New Product Page Variant Non-Physical Product Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Compare List' page, now try to scroll down to the footer, the sticky is not working here Issue Fixed (New theme).
: Click on the "Browse' button and select the CSV file you want to upload from your device. After uploading the CSV file, you won't be able to see which file is uploaded. The file name is not showing Issue Fixed (admin panel).
: Seller Dashboard My Staff Add and Edit issue Fixed. (Seller panel).
: Wallet Recharge Bank Payment auto Approve issue fixed (new theme).
: The running Balance issue was fixed (new theme).
: 'Follow' button & 'See More' on the Refund Policy" on the product issue fixed (new theme).
: Seller shop name admin update show validation error fix (admin panel).
: wholesale module active and inactive variant product color change show error fix (new theme).
: Super admin added in-house product add an error fix (admin panel).
: Product slug all language able add.
: OTP and Email validation errors fixed.
Update: OTP module update.
: Google Map API validation update.
: Google ReCAPTCHA validation update.
: Responsive Mobile view new theme update.
: Responsive Mobile view admin panel update.
: Language and currency option added mobile view new theme update.
: Mouse cursor on a product 'Compare’, 'Wish List' & 'Quick View ' button name of the options will also show be pop-up (new theme).
: Storage&CDN module Validation message shows specific input field.
: product SKU variant image upload change local to media manage (admin panel).
: GST Group validation add all input fields and error fixed (admin panel).
: Super admin secret login seller panel and update seller profile shop name error fixed (admin panel).
: Wholesale module active and inactive variant product color or attribute change error fixed (New theme).
: In-house Product super admin add product error fixed (admin panel).
: Product SKU update image change option local to media manage option added (admin panel).
: Dynamic page status changes pre-loader running error fix (admin panel).
: Customer panel Change profile picture validation and on change image show option added. (New theme).
: Customer panel support ticket file image show and download option added. (New theme).
: Europe currency option include.
: Customer Review file upload validation option includes (new theme).
: Appearance Header name rename Slider
: Dashboard color change with config issue fixed.
: Registration working error fix with google Recaptcha.
: Footer Background and text color field add.
: Customer Review Comments option required option to remove.
New Features: Subscribe Title dynamically added a new theme.
: Language and currency option added mobile view new theme.
: Responsive Mobile view new theme.
: Responsive Mobile view admin panel.
: Customer Dashboard Change Profile
: Club point module added (new theme).
: Product card design update (new theme).
: Europe currency option include.
: Top nav bar Menu Icon added option (new theme).
: Storage and CDN module added (new theme).
: Frontend Multi Language module added (new theme).
: International Shipping module added (new theme).
Need Module Update: MultiVendor module needs to update v1.8.1
: Affiliate module needs to update v1.4.1
: ShipRocket module needs to update v1.3.1
: AmazonS3 module needs to update v1.2
: OTP module needs to update v1.3.1
: MercadoPago module needs to update v1.3.1
: Bkash module needs to update v1.3.1
: SslCommerz module needs to update v1.3.1
: GoogleMerchantCenter module need to update v1.2
: WholeSale module needs to update v1.2
: Lead module needs to update v1.2
: GoldPrice module need to update v1.2
NB: Update from min version 3.4 Otherwise the system can break. If you purchase any paid module, please follow the module update section & update with the latest version.
  • Like
Réactions: eslameprahim
v3.4 (31 Oct 2022)
Bug Fixed : The product details page link opens with a new tab issue fixed (new theme).
: Send digital file for order issue fixed.
: Home applicants without subcategory product show issue fixed (new theme).
: Slider edit issue fixed.
: Payment gateway logo update validation issue fixed.
: Inhouse order permission issue fixed.
: Guest user language translation issue fixed.
: New theme language translation issue fixed.
: Date icon click to focus date issue fixed.
: Track order page scroll to bottom issue fixed (new theme).
: Google Recaptcha setting page issue fixed, checkout page issue fixed.
: All customer page design issues fixed (admin panel).
: Product, and customer list page design issue fixed (admin panel).
: Blog comment page design issue fixed (new theme).
: Overall responsive issue was fixed.
Update : Wallet balance auto-return when the order is canceled.
: Unlimited social link added option for admin.
: Admin panel logo link update link dashboard.
New Features : Visitor removes option into Utilities.
: Customer Bulk upload.
: Configuration for shipping amount multiply by the quantity or not.
: Seller-to-seller payment gateway option (MultiVendor).
: Customer account Delete API.
  • Like
Réactions: eslameprahim