Aimy IndexNow Pro

Joomla Plugin Aimy IndexNow Pro v5.0

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Aimy Extensions
Aimy IndexNow Pro.jpg

Aimy IndexNow Pro notifies search engines about new or updated content of your website automatically. So search engines know about the latest updates of your website immediately. Plugin for Joomla! 3 and 4.

Aimy IndexNow's Main Features​

  • Generate API key
  • Set minimum submission time
  • Use manual or automatic submission
  • Exclude content from notification

What is IndexNow?​

Index now is a protocol, supported by several search engines, for example Bing and Yandex. It is used to notifiy search engines about website updates immediately. In the best case the bots crawl your website and the search engine index is updated in short time.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
50 Affichages
v5.0 Version
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