AIKit - WordPress AI Writing Assistant Using GPT-3

WordPress Plugin AIKit - WordPress AI Writing Assistant Using GPT-3 v4.16.2

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AIKit is a WordPress plugin that integrates your WordPress website directly with OpenAI’s GPT-3 which allows you to leverage AI to generate content, write complete paragraphs on any topic you can imagine, summarize text, paraphrase, generate catchy marketing copy, titles, simplify hard-to-comprehend text, and much more.
Important: GPT-3 is a paid API provided by OpenAI, and its usage incurs costs. Click here to learn more.


  • Gutenberg-friendly.
  • Integrates directly with GPT-3. No third party in between. You don’t need to pay monthly subscription fees (besides your usage for OpenAI’s API)
  • Super configurable. Choose the models to use (davinvi, curie, etc), fine-tune the amount of text generated by the plugin to control your cost and more.
  • Multi-language (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Korean, Hindi, Indonesian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Romanian). You can choose the language you want from settings page. Extra languages can be added upon request in the comments section.
  • Write complete paragraphs: Write complete paragraphs on any topic you can imagine!
  • Summerize text: Quickly and easily generate summaries of any text, making information digestible and easy to understand.
  • Paraphrase: Quickly and easily edit text without spending hours doing it yourself!
  • Change text tone: Rewrite your text in a sarcastic way to make it interesting to your audience.
  • Generate catchy subtitles: Get ideas on the best titles that fit your text.
  • Generate compelling ad copy: Turn any dull piece of text into an interesting ad copy that you can use in your ad campaigns & articles.
  • Find matching quotes: Generate marching quotes that help you get your message across much easier.
  • Explain like I’m 5 year old: Simplify complex concepts to your audience with a click of a button.
  • Generate image prompts: Leverage the creativity of GPT-3 to generate image prompts that you can use in text-to-image models to generate images for your article.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
281 Affichages
v4.16.2 Version
10 Téléchargements
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Dernières mises à jour

  1. AIKit 4.16.2

    4.16.2 (16TH APRIL 2024) Bug fixes.
  2. AIKit WordPress 4.15.5

    v4.15.5 (19TH MAR 2024) Adding support for AI menu in classic editor on tags and categories pages.
  3. AIKit 4.15.2

    4.15.2 (10TH FEB 2024) Add feature to allow users to save custom prompts for comment generation...