Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

WordPress Plugin Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce v5.1.6

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Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce allows your shop to display prices and accept payments in multiple currencies. This grants your customers the possibility of shopping in their favourite currency and helps increasing conversions.

How it works​

Once enabled, the Currency Switcher will allow you to configure a list of the currencies you would like to accept. Such currencies will then appear in a list, displayed as a widget, which your Users can use to choose their preferred currency. When a customer selects a currency, the shop will be both displaying prices and completing transactions in the new currency. The prices displayed on the shop will be the ones that the customer will pay upon completing the order.

Increase conversion by cutting credit card fees​

Credit card operators often charge a conversion fee when a payment is made in a currency different from the one for which the card was issued. This adds an extra cost on every purchase, and it can discourage prospective customers. Giving your Visitors the possibility of paying in their currency can help improving conversion.
Every order will store the currency used to place it, so that both Shop Managers and customers will be able to retrieve it and see how much they paid.
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
77 Affichages
v5.1.6 Version
2 Téléchargements
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  1. Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce 5.1.6

    = = * Declared compatibility with WooCommerce 8.8.