Advanced Local Pickup for WooCommerce

Nulled WordPress Plugin Advanced Local Pickup for WooCommerce v1.7.0

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The Advanced Local Pickup (ALP) plugin helps you handle store pickup more conveniently by extending the WooCommerce Local Pickup shipping method and creating a local pickup fulfillment workflow, allows you to set up multiple pickup locations, pickup per item, products availability per location, force local pickup, pickup appointments, and more!

Create Optimized Local Pickup Fulfillment Workflow

You can enable Custom Order Statuses to manage your local pickup orders flow. Use the “Ready for Pickup” for orders that are available for pickup and the “Pickup Up” Status for orders that were picked up.

Display pickup instructions during checkout

The pickup Instructions will display on the order received page, view order page and to the Processing order emails.​

Notify Your Customers When Their Order is Available For Pickup

Send your customers order email with pickup instructions when their order is ready for pickup, you can also send them a notification after the order has been picked up.

Customize the Pickup instructions display

Setup pickup location address, work hours and special pickup instructions and fully customize the display of the pickup instruction using a customizer with a live preview.

Split the Work Hours

Add intervals for the pickup location work hours, create morning/afternoon time slots (e.g. Monday – 8am-12pm and 2pm-7pm)

Multiple Pickup Locations

Set multiple pick up locations and choose which products or categories to include or exclude for each location.

Local pickup Appointments

Define your availability schedule and time slots and let your customers choose the date and time to pickup their order

Show Local pickup availability messages

Display custom local Pickup messages on product pages, cart and checkout.

Force Local Pickup

Force local pickup for individual products or product categories and display custom Local Pickup Messages on the product page, cart page and on the order received page.

Allow local pickup and other shipping methods on the same order

Determine whether customers can choose to ship part of the order and to pick up part of the order if they must choose one handling method for all eligible items.

Apply a discount or a fee for Local Pickup orders

You can enable cart discount or a fee for a location which will apply if a customer selects that pickup location on checkout, you can choose between discount or a fee and if to apply it a fixed amount or as percentage.
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167 Affichages
v1.7.0 Version
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