AcyMailing Enterprise

Nulled Joomla Plugin AcyMailing Enterprise v9.6.0 NULLED

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AcyMailing 9.6.0​

APRIL 29, 2024


  • You can now set a high priority for follow-up emails, to make sure they are sent first when a big campaign is currently being sent.


  • [add-ons] With EventBooking when you edit the custom view, the dates displayed are in the same format and you can now choose to display more dates.

Bug fixes​

  • The emails sent from an automation do not require an unsubscribe link anymore with our sending service.
  • The way the fail statistics are collected has been improved to avoid counting the same email twice in some cases.
  • The CNAME verification for the sending service now recognizes the new entries format.
  • The starting date of an automated campaign can now correctly be modified when using a language other than English.
  • [add-ons] Fixed an error that prevented the insertion of Event Booking events in emails
  • [add-on] Fixed Hikashop coupon display on email when the coupon code starts with a number.
  • [add-ons] The HikaShop filter for cart reminder has been changed to only allow a number of days, as it was originally intended.
  • We fixed an issue on Joomla 5 when trying to load translations, when using the AcyMailing code API.
  • [add-ons] Sorting events by date when inserting them by category in a newsletter now works correctly with The Events Calendar.

AcyMailing 9.4.1​

MARCH 19, 2024

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Joomla 3 websites.
  • The insertion of Joomla modules in the editor was not working properly on Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.

AcyMailing 9.3.0​

FEBRUARY 26, 2024


  • Improvement of the bounce handling configuration and listing interfaces.
  • The List-Unsubscribe-Post=One-Click has been added to the headers of the emails linked at least to one list to follow GMail guidance and to reduce the effect of anti spam filter on your emails
  • An "Unsubscribe from all lists" link can be inserted in the email editor, allowing receivers to unsubscribe with one click from all the campaign lists they are subscribed to
  • Improve remaining credits message when no credits were used with the AcyMailing sending service
  • You can now export the unsubscribe date when exporting subscribers
  • The wording of the "Choose an action" drop-down menu in the Subscribers tab has been improved, making it consistent with the Status. So "enable" has become "activate", while "disable" has become "deactivate"

Bug fixes​

  • The multiple select fields now correctly show the saved value for filters in the segments
  • Fixed send test button in template edition not taking Save Thumbnail configuration into account
  • Security added on universal filter SQL request when adding ; character at the end of the request
  • Fixed multilingual campaigns when resending to new users only
  • Fixed the emails displayed when choosing existing emails in the "add an email into the queue" automation action
  • Changed API error message when trying to subscribe or unsubscribe non-existing users
  • Fix resend confirmation email action which sent twice the email if tracking enabled
  • Fixed CLI extension installation for Joomla 4
  • Fixed front listing action when SEF is deactivated

AcyMailing 9.1.0​

DECEMBER 18, 2023


  • Display element's name that will be affected by an action in a listing
  • Possibility to change the display of the background image when you create a template and you can now add background on each column
  • You can now use a different URL for the site and administration
  • Webp images of content inserted in emails can now be automatically resized if the server supports it
  • New options to load the subscription module scripts have been added
  • The language code used for links of inserted articles (articles with a restricted access) now takes the custom value set by the admin
  • Added compatibility with Joomla 4+ for the VirtueMart trigger on order placed

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed the HTML tests for Outlook hiding the webp images for good mail clients
  • Fixed the queue process not showing the progress of scheduled emails
  • The email sendings don't count as failed for the recipients anymore when it is related to the sending service account (account suspended, no more credit...).
  • Add security on statistics calculation in subscriber edition
  • Fixed stats line chart not showing november when filter by month is active
  • The links to articles when the auto-login is enabled are now correctly tracked when click tracking is enabled
  • The v5 data migration has been improved to keep the front-end edition capabilities
  • The creation of new campaigns from the front-end management menu has been fixed in some cases regarding access rights
  • Fixed the newly created option in Seblod content insertion for automatic campaigns
  • Fixed the Elementor form integration that was not sending the confirmation email

AcyMailing 8.4.6​

MAY 15, 2023


  • Updated the Sendinblue API and logo to use their new domain/logo

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed the saving of templates in editor not displaying the changes directly
  • Fixed the manual email sending when inserting Community Survey content in emails

AcyMailing 8.4.2​

APRIL 24, 2023


  • Improve error report with attachments when sending with Elastic Email
  • Added a security on the subscriber's edition page for the subscription date of unsubscribed lists
  • Additional tips have been added on CNAME entries when validating a domain for our sending method
  • The social media follow links in the emails now open in a new tab
  • Added compatibility with JDownloads version 4.0.X or higher for category insertion
  • Add option to improve compatibility with specific templates for the AcyMailing subscription form on Joomla registration
  • Improved accessibility on notification messages on the front pages (confirmation message for user activation for example)

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed a discrepancy in the number of recipients between AcyMailing and Sendinblue due to email addresses with uppercase characters
  • Fixed the daily cron not always triggered
  • Fixed issue with some malformed email header for the bounce handling
  • Fixed wrong number of displayed items on each pages in the archives listing
  • The HikaShop order status trigger has been fixed for multilingual websites
  • Fixed an error on the EventBooking integration when inserting events with individual registration links
  • Fixed article format selection when inserting articles in Joomla 4
  • Fixed incompatibility with Happy Elementor Addons breaking our select

AcyMailing 8.3.0​

MARCH 20, 2023


  • [editor] An image insertion icon has been added for text blocks
  • [addons] A new option is available when inserting articles if the autologin plugin is active


  • Improve error logging
  • [editor] The youtube sharing urls like "" are now usable with the video block
  • Add a security for broken images when resizing images
  • [addons] The integration for Community Surveys has been updated

Bug fixes​

  • Fixed an issue for lists display name not translated in subscription form
  • Fixed campaign not sent on Sendinblue (if the email contains an area with several columns and a vertical padding between them)
  • Fixed Oauth2 configuration for Gmail showing more fields than needed
  • The subscription forms now correctly reload in the preview when changing options
  • Fixed the subscription forms edition page when having special characters in list names
  • Fixed article image in full width on Outlook windows
  • Fixed the segment users matching preview box
  • Fixed a security issue allowing to list site files from any folder when being granted access to the campaigns creation on front-office
  • Fixed an XSS vulnerability on newly created templates/emails
  • Fixed an error message that could be shown when an Elementor page had a multi-field option without label
  • Fixed an error when replacing shortcode in the content of a post made with Gutenberg