Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon

Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon v1.2

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Download Academy LMS Course Bundle Subscription Addon Nulled Free CodeCanyon 29362538
This addon provides course bundle facility to the Academy Lms Site admin. Through this addon, the admin can create bundles of the existing courses and sell the bundles at a new price in a subscription model. The admin can also set the subscription period of each Course Bundle. Students can subscribe to a bundle and access it’s courses and need to renew the expired bundles by subscribing again.
How it works
  • Academy lms should be pre-installed in your server
  • Purchase course bundle subscription addon for academy lms from codecanyon
  • Download and install the addon to your academy lms portal
  • After installation, the admin will get a new option name “Course Bundle” in the navigation bar.
  • The admin can create a new bundle by selecting existing courses uploaded by the admin.
  • Admin can set a new price to the created bundle.
  • Subscription days can also be selected by the admin which defines the active time of the bundle after each purchase.
  • Students will get a new option named Course bundles in their Courses menu.
  • From the Course bundles option, students can view and subscribe to their preferred course bundles
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
353 Affichages
v1.2 Version
2 Téléchargements
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