6amMart - Delivery Man App

Android/IOS-APP 6amMart - Delivery Man App 2.0

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6am Mart Cover Delivery man App version 1.5.jpg

Download 6amMart - Delivery Man App Nulled Free CodeCanyon 36772148
6amMart delivery man app is the most important module of the 6amMart multi-vendor delivery system. Delivery men can accept and deliver orders using this app. Admin, stores, and users can view delivery man movement by helping this app.

Delivery men can view their earnings and order history through this app.
Delivery Man App

- Please create a Delivery Man credential yourself from the admin panel for a better experience, One more thing, the demo database will reset 3 hours intervals.
- Admin panel
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
133 Affichages
2.0 Version
3 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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  1. 6amMart - Delivery Man App

    Change Log- Version 2.0 13 February 2023 - Made compatible with main system version 2.0 - Fixed...