[021] Paid content

Xenforo Plugin [021] Paid content v1.3.1

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Thread view.png

With this add-on, you will be able to monetize your forum which has unique content.

It works very simply: you need to put the content that you want to hide (download link, important information, match prediction, etc.) under the HIDDEN tag, set the price and get paid for every view of your content. Thus, you can hide not only text, but also attachments, for which there is a button on each attachment (Note: previews of images that have been hidden in this way will still be available).

The add-on also provides for the existence of a paid upgrade, by purchasing which the user will be able to view all paid content on the forum (or content in certain forums). You can also set permissions (view paid content, create threads with paid content, purchase paid content) for each forum, member, group, etc.
  • Account menu.png
    Account menu.png
    87.5 KB · Affichages: 12
  • Attachment view error.png
    Attachment view error.png
    36.3 KB · Affichages: 11
  • Paid upgrade purchase form.png
    Paid upgrade purchase form.png
    70.4 KB · Affichages: 10
  • Purchase form.png
    Purchase form.png
    49.3 KB · Affichages: 14
  • Permissions.png
    75.2 KB · Affichages: 11
  • Open content for free form.png
    Open content for free form.png
    56.7 KB · Affichages: 11
  • Thread creation.png
    Thread creation.png
    142.7 KB · Affichages: 17
Co7ur Co7ur Auteur
115 Affichages
v1.3.1 Version
1 Téléchargements
0.00 étoile(s) 0 avis
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